These are extraordinary times of activity and growth for the American Institute for Economic Research. AIER was founded in 1933, a time of crisis for the United States, in order to bring calm, research, and intelligence to understanding the world around us. This continues to be our focus today. Attached is our 2019 annual report to provide an overview of last year’s activities, a year that prepared us well for the current moment.
AIER-AnnualReport2019Deficit-to-GDP Ratio Near World War II Levels, CBO Finds
America’s addiction to deficit spending is out of control. But Congress lacks the courage to defuse this time bomb.
What, Exactly, Are Negative Externalities?
Economics textbooks feature a coherent theory of how markets can allocate scarce resources in ways that achieve what is plausibly described as maximum possible human satisfaction.
December Inflation Meets Expectations
The latest inflation data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis largely confirm market expectations. The Personal Consumption Expenditures Price Index (PCEPI), which is the Federal Reserve’s preferred measure of inflation, […]