This paper examines the effects of inflation uncertainty on real economic activityb y utilizing a flexible, dynamic,m ultivariatef rameworkt hata ccom-modates possible interaction between the conditional means and variances. The empirical model is based on a familiar identified vector autoregressive framework, modified to accommodate multivanate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity Our empirical model is preferred to the baseline VAR by likelihood based information criteria, and it retains the important dynamics of the underlying VAR. We find that an average shock to inflation uncertainty has tended to reduce output growth over three months by about 22 basis points. Read more.
“Another Perspective on the Effects of Inflation Uncertainty”
John Elder
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Vol. 36, No. 5 (Oct., 2004), pp. 911-928.
Trump’s Subsidized IVF Spells Disaster
“Trump’s plan is a disaster from the perspective of cost, incentives, and value neutrality.” ~Vanessa Brown Calder
The Religious Idiocy of ‘Limitarianism’
“To pretend that you can have all the riches of the modern world and eliminate the ability for anyone to become wealthy is a sure sign of someone who has no understanding of how all this wealth was generated in the first place.” ~James Hartley