AIER’s Research Director Phil Magness joins James R. Harrigan, AIER’s Senior Editor, and Antony Davies, Professor of economics at Duquesne University to discuss critical race theory. What is it, and why should anyone care? We’ll try to answer these questions and more this week on Words & Numbers.
Civil Discourse and Political Reality
“It is one thing to dislike someone’s policies and argue against them in a civil discourse, discussing the merits and consequences of their proposals. But there is no place to demonize and so diminish the character of a candidate.” ~Will Sellers
Misunderstanding Poverty: a Review of ‘Second Class’
“Frédéric Bastiat famously warned against economic sophisms, the facile myths around free trade and economic policy… Alas, Batya Ungar-Sargon is not even a bad economist.” ~Nikolai Wenzel
The Threats Posed by Environmental, Social, and Governance Policies
This AIER Paper seeks to educate citizens and investors about the substance of ESG and the kinds of problems it has created, providing the interested reader with a variety of sources to study ESG in greater depth.
Unbundling Zoning
Will zoning powers inevitably be abused, and would they be reconstituted in some other form if zoning were abolished? Evidence and theory both suggest that private land-use governance could be a non-exclusionary substitute for zoning, but transaction costs in setting up alternatives to zoning are significant.