Daily economy news from the American Institute for Economic Research: data, stories, research, and articles touching on economics, politics, culture, education, policy, opinion, technology, markets, healthcare, regulation, trends, and much more.

AIER’s Editorial Policy.

“Another Perspective on the Effects of Inflation Uncertainty”

This paper examines the effects of inflation uncertainty on real economic activityb y utilizing a flexible, dynamic,m ultivariatef rameworkt hata ccom-modates possible interaction between the conditional means and variances. The empirical model is based on a familiar identified vector autoregressive

“The Cost of Inflation Revisited”

“Neoclassical treatments of inflation understate the costs associated with inflation, even at very low levels. A comparative institutions perspective that recognizes the epistemological properties of prices and the institutional process by which inflation takes place, reveals the costs of inflation

“Stock Returns, Real Activity, Inflation and Money”

“There is much evidence that common stock returns and inflation have been negatively related during the post-1953 period. Zvi Body, Jeffrey Jaffe and Gershon Mandelker, Charles Nelson, and my article with G. William Schwert document negative relations between between stock


“President Obama rammed through his new stimulus bill, warning of an irreversible recession if Congress failed to act. But bestselling author Thomas E. Woods Jr. warns that Obama’s “stimulus package” will do far more damage to our economy than even

“No More Central Banks”

“Currency crises have become more and more frequent in part because speculators can mobilize more and more money. A generation ago, central banks, like the U.S. Federal Reserve System, had more money than anyone else and weren’t afraid to use

Without Sound Money, Markets Fail

“Nobel Economics Laureate F.A. Hayek summed up the enigma of money succinctly: “Money, the very “coin” of ordinary interaction, is [hence] of all things the least understood and—perhaps with sex—the object of greatest unreasoning fantasy; and like sex it simultaneously

“Gold Standard Policy and Limited Government”

Are monetary and banking problems due to a few misguided policies or incompetent managers? Or are there fundamental flaws in monetary and financial institutions, principally central banks and the legal and monetary frameworks that accompany them? “Gold Standard Policy and

“A Match Can Cause a Forest Fire: A Response to Brad DeLong”

“My essay on causes of the financial mess focused on trying to identify the initial “impulses” that set the boom-bust cycle in motion because (as this symposium shows) economists have a variety of views about the impulses, and because identifying

“What Really Happened”

“Our ongoing financial turmoil began in the mortgage market. Real-estate loans at commercial banks grew at a remarkable 12.26 percent compound annual rate over the four-year period from the midpoint of 2003 to the midpoint of 2007.[1] The expanded volume

“The Monetary Theory”

“The Monetary Theory” Chapter 3 of: Economics as a Coordination Problem: The Contributions of Friedrich A. Hayek Gerald P. O’Driscoll, Jr. Kansas City: Sheed Andrews and MkMeel Inc., 1977.

“Rational Expectations, Politics and Stagflation”

“Rational Expectations, Politics and Stagflation” Gerald P. O’Driscoll, Jr. Chapter 7 of: Time, Uncertainty and Disequilibrium: Exploration of Austrian Themes ed. Mario Rizzo Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1979.

“Do We Really Need a Central Bank?” – A Talk by Steve Horwitz

Economic Liberty Lecture Series: Steve Horwitz from The Future of Freedom Foundation on Vimeo. Professor Steve Horwitz, Charles A. Dana Professor of Economics at St. Lawrence University, gave a talk entitled, “Do We Really Need a Central Bank?,” during a

ESG: A Gordian Knot of the Highest Order

“Thanks to a complex web of CSR initiatives, aid and development programs, progressive intergovernmental agencies, and the do-good posturing of political elites, businesses will further be ensnarled to ESG.” ~Kimberlee Josephson

Lessons from the European Legislative Elections

“The prospects for market liberalization in the EU aren’t good. We can expect more business as usual, if with some important marginal cuts (notably on the EU’s aggressive and expensive environmental agenda).” ~Nikolai Wenzel

We Still Bear Eisenhower’s Cross of Iron

“We have seen the rise of the military-industrial complex, the creation of the national security state, and a bloated military that is second to none, but with a price tag to match.” ~Andrew Byers

Freedom and a Funeral for Chevron Deference

“Overturning Chevron should encourage lower courts to police agency assertions of power more closely, but it will not constrain the administrative state so long as Congress persists in enacting broad, poorly written statutes.” ~Jonathan H. Adler

But Also What If?

“The arrogance of those who wish to unleash the dogs of antitrust on CurrentlyDominant, Inc. prevents them from asking important follow-up questions.” ~Donald J Boudreaux

Who Loves Minimum Wage Laws? Kiosk Makers

“Minimum wages and workplace regulations protect some people, alright, but not the workers. Instead, these rules protect anyone who provides a substitute for the labor that workers bring to the table.” ~Art Carden

To End Poverty, Admire the Rich

“If you care about poverty, then you should encourage positive views about high levels of wealth. A country with people who think positively about the wealthy is more likely to implement market reforms which will make it easier for people to generate wealth.” ~James Hartley

ULTRAs: The Worst Idea You’ve Never Heard Of

“Instead of taking two percent (say) of the liquidated value of the wealth, the state would simply take ownership of the wealth, in place… In a relatively short time, the government literally takes substantial ownership of all successful private businesses.” ~Michael Munger

Trump, Tariffs, and Income Taxes 

“Perhaps Trump’s goal is simply to eliminate the federal income tax. If so, then he should advocate for doing that and only that. Eliminating the income tax would, in fact, make Americans richer in after-tax dollars.” ~David Hebert

The Free-Market Tories Britain Needed

“Raising economic growth prospects through policy is difficult. But Britain is now so far behind the United States and the technological frontier, that removing self-imposed barriers to growth could have delivered a meaningful boost to the country’s GDP level.” ~Ryan Bourne

Investors Make Houses More Affordable, Not Less

“Blaming high housing prices on private equity because they ‘bought up all the available homes’ is like blaming high food prices on grocery stores because they bought up all the available food.”

CBDC Ban Does Little to Bolster Financial Privacy

“The battle for safeguarding individual rights over financial information and freedom from undue government control must encompass all forms of financial transactions, whether digital or physical.” ~Nicolás Cachanosky

Policy Uncertainty Drives Economic Volatility

“Regulations often have significant compliance costs and operational challenges. The regulatory burden can stifle innovation and deter investment, particularly in industries struggling with economic headwinds.” ~Vance Ginn

Arguments Against Markets

“Those of us who want to keep government small and strictly limited — and, hence, who want individuals to make whatever peaceful choices they wish — are far outnumbered by individuals who distrust markets to deliver enough of the goods to enough of the people.” ~Donald J. Boudreaux