Alberto Mingardi

Antonio Martino: A Legacy of Liberalism

“He always encouraged and appreciated people who were, so to say, “classical liberal extremists” (including, a long time ago, the present writer). His favorite political philosopher was Anthony de Jasay, whose book The State he loved. That says something.” ~ Alberto Mingardi

Hijacking Liberalism: Spencer’s The Man Versus the State

“At best, Scholars often view Spencer as a magnificent dinosaur, at worst a grumpy phantom of Christmas past—this is a mistake. The hijacking of ‘liberalism’ was a triumph. Perhaps this makes it all the more important to understand how it happened.” ~ Alberto Mingardi

Immigration and the Open Society

“Few of us would endorse the idea of marriages mandatorily arranged by parents for their kids. Why would we be happier with state paternalism deciding how society should be formed?” ~ Alberto Mingardi

Communities in the Pandemic

“Are local communities self-organizing because politics is being unduly constrained, limited in its spending capacity, and disempowered, or are they self-organizing because, in spite of consuming more than a third of GDP (in England), governments are simply lacking the flexibility and the responsiveness to deal with people’s demands, particularly when they are new and when they are changing?” ~ Alberto Mingardi