Alexander W. Salter

Central Bankers, Let the Price System Work!

"Congress is free to define 'price stability' however it wishes. If it wants a strict inflation target in all circumstances, that’s its right. But legislators would be well-advised to pay close attention to the microeconomic foundations of monetary policy." ~ Alexander W. Salter

Fed Up with Tightening?

"Provided the recent monthly inflation figures give us an accurate forecast, the real federal funds rate is significantly above the natural rate. This indicates monetary policy is restrictive." ~ Alexander W. Salter

DeSantis Takes the Lead on Fed Reforms

"According to DeSantis, political elites want to 'regulate [bitcoin] out of existence' because it threatens their plans for social control. He’s right." ~ Alexander W. Salter

The Spirit Of ’76: Libertarianism and American Renewal

"Until recently, we knew liberty without order was decadent and order without liberty was tyrannical. But many powerful and influential figures have decided this wisdom is obsolete because it obstructs their demands for 'systemic equity' or their desire to 'own the libs.'" ~ Alexander W. Salter

Ramaswamy on CBDC

"GOP lawmakers absolutely should head CBDC efforts off at the pass, and the party’s presidential candidates should support that rejection." ~ Alexander W. Salter

President Biden’s Inflation Malarkey

"Dollar depreciation is why prices are rising. The Fed’s monetary policy, aided and abetted by the President’s and Congress’s massive deficits, are the real cause." ~ Alexander W. Salter

Two Cheers for Gramm and Solon

"Excessive government spending makes us less productive than we otherwise would be, resulting in a permanently lower level of employment and output." ~ Alexander W. Salter