Alexander W. Salter

The Fed Isn’t Powerless

"Responsible students of monetary policy must vigorously resist the 'powerless Fed' myth. All it does is absolve central bankers of responsibility for what, on the basis of good theory and mounting evidence, is primarily their fault to begin with." ~ Alexander William Salter

There’s No Such Thing as a Wage-Price Spiral

"The recent uptick in inflation is worrying, and the Fed needs to get a handle on the situation before higher inflation expectations become entrenched. But the Fed doesn’t need to take a sledgehammer to labor markets to ease the economy’s pricing pressures." ~ Alexander William Salter

Persistently Pesky Price Pressures

"Although it may be difficult, the Fed must persevere. Elevated aggregate demand remains the best explanation for ongoing inflation. There is no reason for the Fed to ease its policy." ~ Alexander William Salter

Joblessness and the Fed

"Without a symmetric response to deviations from the target, the Fed’s so-called average inflation target will not produce 2 percent inflation on average. Instead, it will tend to produce inflation that exceeds 2 percent. That’s a far cry from price stability." ~ Alexander William Salter

Should the Fed Stop Tightening?

"The Fed should stay the course. Putting the nail in the inflationary coffin is more important than hyper-calibrating a 'soft landing.' But it likely won’t be long before we’re done." ~ Alexander William Salter

Does the Fed Control Interest Rates?

"The Fed is a failed institution in need of major reforms. But we won’t make the right changes if we don’t understand the basic relationship between central banks and capital markets." ~ Alexander William Salter

Supply, Demand, and Inflation: The Big Picture

"Where did all this inflation come from? Supply-side issues are a problem, but in terms of magnitudes, it just doesn’t make sense to call them the chief contributor." ~ Alexander William Salter

CBDC in the USA: Not Now, Not Ever

"The fact that the New York Fed, in conjunction with a handful of private banks, has implemented a 'pilot' program with digital tokens is worrying enough. Under no circumstances should we allow the government to roll out a CBDC." ~ Alexander William Salter

Congress Can Restore the Integrity of the Dollar

"The historical record is clear: Gold-backed money is fully capable of delivering short-run stability and long-run prosperity. The Fed can’t." ~ David Brat & Alexander William Salter