Anthony Gill

Jubilee and Student Loan Forgiveness

“Today, we have modern governments, which have significantly more power to tinker with economic incentives, monitoring and enforcing policies that ostensibly benefit the commonweal.” ~ Michael D. Thomas and Anthony Gill

Is Wokeness the New Sumptuary Laws?

“A truly free and socially-egalitarian society will reject sumptuary taxes, no matter what form they take. Awake to the woke, and reject how it’s spoke.” ~ Anthony Gill

Is It Time to End the Filibuster? No!

“If Senator Warren really cares about democracy, she would do well by leaving the filibuster in place and allowing more legislative decisions to devolve to the state, county, and municipal level of government where ‘the people’ can really rule themselves.” ~ Anthony Gill

When Does a Job Become a Job?

“A vibrant citizenry capable of resisting tyranny starts with the realization that the definitive guidelines given to us by government are actually quite arbitrary. We must constantly question the bright line boundaries that surround us.” ~ Anthony Gill

The Surprising Social Signals of Halloween

“When those goblins and ghouls come knocking at your door on October 31st, cherish that you are part of a community that values sacrifice, graciousness, and cooperation.” ~ Anthony Gill & Michael Thomas

Do Employers Exploit Workers with Low Wages?

“Any business worth working for will be sensitive to the opportunity costs of their best employees and will reward them accordingly. Employers that consistently keep wages low for their best workers will see them abandon ship quickly.” ~ Anthony Gill

Is It Time to Rethink Labor Day?

“When we celebrate market freedom, we end up celebrating all those who participate in the process. From the most humble of bartenders to the wealthiest of bankers, we all matter in what we do for one another.” ~ Anthony Gill

Economics Explains the Taliban’s Rapid Advances

“The future remains uncertain for Afghanis, but the Taliban may be delivering social scientists important lessons in how rebel groups win power, how effective governance may displace corrupt regimes, and why religion still remains important in the 21st century.” ~ Anthony Gill

Are Big Companies Ripping Us Off?

“Politicians who benefit by pretending to ameliorate even the most minor complaints take action, regulate voluntary transactions, and affect how gains from trade can be distributed or even occur.” ~ Anthony Gill