Anthony Gill

What About “Whataboutism?”

“When the cry of ‘Well… what about X?’ arises in argumentation, it is a good time to step back and evaluate the claim through the eyes of others. It may be that the claim holds no merit. Alternatively, it may open our eyes to bigger problems that we’ve failed to notice.” ~ Anthony Gill

The High Price of Popcorn

“The next time you reach for a handful of buttery popped corn, give a stomping cheer for the entrepreneurial creativity of the theater owner who made it possible for a wide variety of people to enjoy a summer blockbuster.” ~ Anthony Gill

Democracy Is More Than Just Elections

“We need to rethink how we portray democracy to our students and the general public. Democracy should not be construed as resting entirely upon elections. Free markets and civil society are crucial components of democratic governance, not something that stands separate from it.” ~ Anthony Gill

Taking a (Lemonade) Stand for Free Enterprise

“The summertime lemonade stand serves more than just refreshing beverages. It stands as a quintessential reminder of how people of all ages love to barter and exchange, as Adam Smith once reminded us. It is in our nature. If we only had the imagination to perceive a world free from commercial barriers, much like our young entrepreneurs do, the world would be less sour and much more sweet.” ~ Anthony Gill

What’s the Matter with Cambridge?

“It is not just well-paid academics that exhibit this (presumably) counter-intuitive voting behavior. The top 300 wealthiest zip codes, those with the so-called ‘one-percenters,’ tend to favor Democrats over Republicans both in terms of financial contributions to campaigns, but also in ballots cast.” ~ Anthony Gill

harvard building

Shadow of the State or Sunshine of Civil Society

“We are often too quick to pull the trigger on government regulation whenever we suspect a problem exists. It is important to first ask what civil society can do (or is doing) to mitigate that problem before deferring to the coercive shadowy state.” ~ Anthony Gill

Tear Down this Plexiglass!

“To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, who challenged Mikhail Gorbachev to eradicate another major symbol of fear and mistrust in the world, I urge us to tear down this plexiglass.” ~ Anthony Gill

people, gas station

The Internet Is No Substitute for Real Life

“Remember that many commercial enterprises provide you not only with the goods and services you desire, but the vital space with which we all need to craft friendships, trust, and empathy. Without that, economies don’t function well. No supply-and-demand graph can ever capture that fully. You have to live it to believe it.” ~ Tony Gill

people in tavern, fun

How to Teach the Benefits of Trade

In an environment that constantly presents us with pessimistic reasons why things cannot be done, turning a paperclip into $225 of pizza in less than two days proves that opportunities to make everyone better off exist all around us if we just take the time to observe and act.