Antony Mueller

How Government Ruined Higher Education

Education suffers from the same dilemma as state-run health care: the potential for cost saving remains unfulfilled since no incentives for efficiency exist. In order to get the subsidies and the other benefits from government, the universities must adhere to specific bureaucratic rules.


Macroeconomic Highlights of 2018: A Retrospective

In 2018, all major institutions that provided the basis for the international order since the second half of the past century have come under fire, from NATO and the United Nations, to the role of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, to the World Trade Organization and the European Union. China flexes its muscles and challenges the role of the United States while the US president promotes protectionism and isolationism.


The Marshall Plan: Fiction and Facts

The financial part of the Marshall plan was not the decisive factor in the West European recovery. What mattered was economic liberalization, relative monetary and fiscal stability, and the promotion of economic integration.


The Stock Exchange Demystified

There is an indissoluble link between capitalism and the stock market. Over the long run, stocks will rise when capitalism flourishes and fall when the entrepreneurial spirit wilts. Therefore, a crash is not to blame on the stock market but on the erosion of capitalism that has preceded the collapse.


Stagflation: Can It Happen Again?

The combined effort of the central banks of the United States, Japan, and Europe to “stimulate” their economies has initiated an asset price bubble.


Economic Systems and the Fate of Civilization

Modern democracy suffers from the contradiction that while most citizens mistrust the politicians and the state, and want fewer taxes and less state control, each voter is eager to use their vote in such a way as to get the largest piece of the cake.


What Happened at Bretton Woods?

At the end of the Second World War, the United States assumed the helm of global leadership at the international monetary conference at Bretton Woods in the New Hampshire in 1944. The purpose of this conference was to determine the principles of the postwar currency regime.


Brazil: The Challenges Ahead

The economy is in depression, the unemployment rate is in the double digits, and the fiscal situation is bleak.


Why Debt-Driven Booms Are Unsustainable

Modern central banking claims to make the money supply more elastic to stabilize the economy. The rationale says that left to itself, the market economy is unstable. Yet the evidence suggests the opposite: that modern central banking is the main culprit for boom and bust.
