Art Carden

Let People Reimagine Housing to Make It More Affordable

“People might be willing to live without their own kitchens and bathrooms if it means a cheaper place to sleep. Regulation’s underlying philosophy is that I know better than you how you should live and what tradeoffs you should make.” ~Art Carden

The Can Conundrum: Governments Don’t Have Coherent Goals

“Policies enacted to fix one problem lead to still other problems, which will then require other policies to fix, and so on, until we’re crushed by a giant snowball of well-intended “solutions” and their unintended consequences.” ~ Art Carden

In Defense of Cash Grabs

“It doesn’t have to make sense to the outside observer, because ‘the system’ is not something a single mind designed but the unintended consequence of innumerable individual choices in response to (sometimes badly distorted) incentives.” ~ Art Carden

Why is Lionel Messi Wasting His Time at Publix?

“Maybe Messi isn’t wasting his time shopping at Publix. After all, they’re writing some of the checks to cover his eight-figure annual salary, and maybe conspicuously shopping there is part of the bargain.” ~ Art Carden

America Needs More McJobs

“The market process allows low-skill people to specialize in what they do best while freeing up high-skill people who can concentrate their efforts on things they do best. Everybody wins, and in some small way, you have a part in every achievement by every bleary-eyed customer for whom you dutifully pour coffee on their morning commute.” ~ Art Carden