Blake Ball

Can Adam Smith Save Gen Z?

“Convincing this generation of college students requires making the positive argument for the free market, restoring to prominence the real case Adam Smith made for markets, individual liberty, and restrained government against the backdrop of official state control.” ~Blake Ball

Markets and the Montgomery Bus Boycott

“The immutable laws of markets enabled Montgomery’s black community to use the withholding of bus fares through the organized boycott to effectively turn the city bus company into an ally for legal reform.” ~Blake Ball

The Trouble with Politics in Pop Culture

“With massive audiences and considerable influence, these networks and productions are responsible for the misinformation they distribute.” ~ Blake Ball 

Free Markets Made Charlie Brown and Snoopy Possible

“For humanity to flourish, we must be free to explore our full selves. Charles Schulz’s Peanuts gave us that every day for 50 years, and it would never have happened without the free market.” ~ Blake Scott Ball