Chloe Anagnos

Facebook Enters the Online Dating World

The idea that Facebook will now have access to even more private information from its users may bother those who believe that what they disclose to a private organization should stay between the two of them, not between them and the government.


Uber Faces Tough Competition

We have all heard the tales of aggressive competitiveness between Uber and Lyft in the United States, with the latter accusing the world’s leading ride-sharing company of unethical behavior. But what you may have not heard is that Uber’s top competitor in India, Ola, is expanding, prompting Uber to seek a merger in other regions to remain on top.


The Market’s Beautiful Response to Hurricane Florence

Long before governments entered the disaster scene, private citizens and entities took responsibility whenever they saw their fellow residents in trouble, oftentimes putting their own safety at risk to help save lives.


Kim Kardashian’s Fight For Criminal Justice Reform

Giving judges discretion over sentencing helps the individual under review, society as a whole, and the taxpayer, who won’t have to financially support yet another nonviolent convict for decades into the future. But most importantly, it helps to lessen the burden that the drug war has placed on the shoulders of people of color.” ~ Chloe Anagnos


Kaepernick’s Cause Means Something to the Market

You might observe that this is the free market’s way to co-opt the anti-racist movement on behalf of capitalist profits. But maybe that’s not a criticism. Maybe that’s a way to get the message out and make it more culturally operational.


Dark Tourist Is More Than Just Another Travel Show

What Farrier proves with “Dark Tourist” is that for every version of Anthony Bourdain’s “No Reservation,” where the host connects with the locals and draws profound lessons from their way of living, there’s a tourist who just wants to get skin-deep into the next attraction, just so he can then move on to the next, and the next, etc. And unlike many critics of “Dark Tourist” may suggest, there’s nothing wrong with that.


Aretha Franklin’s Individualist Art

When it comes to meaningful change, that type of cultural shift that really dissolves the blindfold created by collectivism, there’s nothing more effective than art.
