Chloe Anagnos

Online Taxes Could Suffocate Small Retailers

State and local governments don’t need any more of our money to feed their budgets through taxes, whether they’re taken from online sales or not. We should be free to drop whatever we want into our virtual (or real) shopping carts in peace without government sweeping in to get a cut.


Taylor Swift: Heroine for Property Rights

Swift has used her celebrity and art to stand up to bullies, whether they be corporations or colleagues in the music industry. Shes also singing her way to the bank.


How the Sharing Economy Allows Me to Travel the World

I’ve been fortunate enough to have a career that doesn’t limit me to an office. I work from wherever I have internet access, which means I try to travel as much as my bank account lets me. From Fresno to France, Canada to Costa Rica, and soon Indiana to Iceland, I’ve been able to experience different cultures, languages, and, of course, meals that I otherwise wouldn’t be able to enjoy without the help of the sharing economy.


The IRS Is So 100th Century and Late

Why should Americans be held accountable to pay taxes if the IRS has a history of exposing taxpayer information and not complying with the law, and it can barely keep it together on their self-proclaimed busiest day of the year?


Why Banks Should Fear Amazon

During the last two decades, Amazon has transformed from exclusively selling books online to offering products that are used by more than half of US households.
