Chloe Anagnos

Medical Cartel Fears Dose of Amazon

After the announcement, insurers Cigna and Anthem stocks dropped by more than 5 percent, while UnitedHealth, Aetna, and Humana were down about 3 percent. Even popular drug stores, CVS and Walgreens, declined more than 4 percent.


Ban on Tide Pods Would Epitomize Nanny State

Although it’s obvious that eating laundry detergent, drinking way too much sugar, or consistently throwing away plastic isn’t good for you or the environment, it isn’t the job of the government to tell us what to do or how to live.

Tide Pods

Taxes Make Netflix, Spotify Victims of Their Own Success

These taxes appear to be imposed on purely digital providers, whether they have any nexus or receive any public services in the state or not, simply to replace the tax revenue lost from traditional, brick-and-mortar storefronts.


Who Aided Flint When the Chips Were Down?

In times of natural disasters and other crises, most think first to turn to their governments for help, but in this situation, Flint was ignored by local, state, and national levels of government and relied heavily on the private sector to reverse the damage.
