Chloe Anagnos

Dear Taylor Swift: The Trouble with Copyright Is Deeper Than You Know

Instead of worrying about the rights over her songs falling into the wrong hands, she should understand that unleashing her work from the tight grasp of IP’s claws would benefit her, as it would set her apart from other artists, and benefit all humankind, as others would be able to improve on what she’s done.


Study Shows That Immigrants Help Indiana Grow

As with other matters, decentralization could be key in making things better — not only because it would benefit immigrants who want to move here to work, but also because Americans would reap the benefits of a prosperous economy.


Amazon’s “Tiny Kiosk” Democratizes Wealth Creation

These easy-to-assemble retail kiosks aren’t just a great example of the market’s ingenuity, they are also proof that the market provides an answer to customers’ needs, even if these needs are the product of artificial barriers imposed by the government.


Marriott Finally Realizes That Competing With Airbnb Beats Lobbying Against It

When companies are allowed to compete openly, without resorting to the government for special protections that keep competitors at arm’s length, some firms may even suffer as they try to adapt to better serve their customers. But in the end, it is the consumer who benefits the most as more companies means more options and more affordable prices.


Do You Suffer From Social Anxiety? Uber Is Here for You

The firm has been in the business long enough to notice that certain users just don’t like to chat with their drivers. In order to keep these users happy (and prevent them from using another service in the future), Uber is rolling out a new “Quiet Mode” feature that gives the passenger the ability to pay more for a peaceful and undisturbed ride.

Social Anxiety

Small Business Earns Big Bucks by Selling Through Amazon

Amazon is often portrayed as the big, bad corporation that helped kill brick-and-mortar stores nationwide. However, a recent report shows the online retailer has actually helped small businesses flourish, boosting their sales across state lines.
