Chloe Anagnos

No, Government Has No Business Regulating Loot Boxes

When governments try to take responsibility away from consumers, they do more harm than good by teaching them they are vulnerable victims who should rely on regulators to tell them what’s safe and what’s not.


France’s and Austria’s Digital Taxes Will Only Hurt Consumers

While people in France and Austria might not be completely aware that this added tax will actually hurt them in the long run, authorities in those two countries should be reminded that the digital tax is nothing but an additional burden on the consumer; pretending the plan is about fairness will not fly.


Experts Say Amazon Has Its Eye on Acquiring Target

The Whole Foods brand has grown and Amazon’s stock soared. More importantly, this takeover woke up retail giants such as Kroger, whose stock suffered a great hit following the purchase. So when experts alerted the world early in 2018 that Amazon was going to purchase Target as well, everyone paid attention.


Is There a Link Between Tech Addiction Among Teens and Public Policy?

Video games, it seems, have become teens’ drug of choice, consuming hours of their lives. The result is what one would expect: bad grades, concerned parents, and broken family relationships. In the end, many are having to go to rehab to regain control of their lives.


Free Enterprise Pushed Teen Pregnancy Rate to Record Low

More effective than any government program would have been, the introduction of the internet, increased access to birth control, and the increased awareness that came from a popular TV show obviously helped generations of teens to make better decisions about their own lives.​​​​​​​
