Chloe Anagnos

Airbnb in Trouble in Prague, Other Parts of Europe

Despite the warnings made by many economists who urge officials to rethink putting additional restrictions on home-sharing services, residents from other European countries have also been pressuring officials to “do something” about all the prosperity the services have helped to provide.


Teen Vogue’s Naive Take on Capitalism

If you were to take Teen Vogue’s word for it, you would think that capitalism is “exploitative and leads to a brutally divided society that tramples the working classes in favor of fattening the rich’s wallets.”


Blockchain Is Disrupting the Auto Industry

Buying a car in America has long been a difficult process rife with bureaucracy and mistrust. But in many ways, digital technology is helping to make the process more pain-free.


Google’s Data Breach Scandal Is About Regulation

Google wasn’t truly afraid of reputational damage, as it reigns supreme as the top search engine online. What it feared was that this data-breach problem would put it face to face with Congress.


How Taylor Swift Could Use Her Political Stance For Good

The singer should become more educated as to how the number one perpetrator of racism in her state operates. And when that day comes then perhaps she will be using her star power to be part of the call for complete criminal justice reform — an even more meaningful political revolution.


California Neutrality Law Will Not Deliver

Net neutrality rules do nothing to make internet access more fair. More regulations only create the perfect environment to encourage monopoly, making access to the wide web even more restricted and expensive.


Blockchain Will Save Our Salad

What this is about is what is called provenance, which is the definitive establishment and documentation of who has owned what and where it has been. This is the foundation contribution of blockchain, to prove provenance better than any other technology in history.
