Christopher Lingle

Beijing’s Sovereign Claims for Tibet

“Chinese policy ignores the reality that Tibetans care more about their own distinctive culture, history, and identity than they care about expressing loyalty to Beijing. Perhaps this is what is most galling to China’s leaders.” ~Christopher Lingle

“Global Boiling”: An Assault On Reason and Science

“Unfortunately, the promotion of the “climate narrative” has been successful in inducing citizens to ignore how their liberties and rights are in jeopardy from the imposition of repressive public policies that are being answered as a solution.” ~ Christopher Lingle

Global Lessons of America’s Thanksgiving

“Thanksgiving Day is an opportunity to praise the institutions of individualism, private property, and liberty. Despite recent disappointments, the freedom enshrined in America’s national heritage made it a rich and welcoming country.” ~ Christopher Lingle

Illusions of Central Bank Independence

“Blame for this grim outcome will likely fall at the feet of the usual suspects, ‘neo-liberal’ policies and unfettered markets. Meanwhile the true culprits, the global fiat currency regime and unrepentant central bankers, will be absolved of their sins.” ~ Christopher Lingle

Scientific Authoritarianism Erodes Private Property and Human Liberty

“Scientists that seek to present a unified and authoritative voice or are guided by partisan interests should not be trusted when they opine on ‘public health’ or the natural environment. Resisting the advance of scientific authoritarianism has become the front line for the protection of human liberty and the sanctity of private property.” ~ Christopher Lingle

Can Antitrust Action Against Tech Giants Make the World Better Off?

“In passing judgment on the antitrust legislation that bears his name, Senator John Sherman might have done to American businesses and consumers what his elder brother General William T. Sherman did for the immediate well-being of Atlanta.” ~ Christopher Lingle