Clifford Thies

The Golden Constant

“The fear fueling this increase in the demand for gold is that the “unsinkable” ship of state has been so compromised by debt that it now risks slipping under the waves.” ~Clifford F. Thies

Catch-up Inflation

“Where there is collective bargaining, workers go on strike to demand higher wages in order to catch-up to inflation. Elsewhere in the economy, individual workers bargain for higher wages with their current employer, or begin searching for better-paying jobs.” ~Clifford Thies

Inflation: Expected and Unexpected

“Expectations may be rational, but this doesn’t mean they’re right. And, this doesn’t mean there won’t be hell to pay when they’re wrong.” ~ Clifford Thies


“Dugin sees this history, and embraces it. Lord Acton taught us, ‘power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.’ Dugin says, absolute power is wonderful.” ~ Clifford F. Thies

Not so Modern Monetary Theory

“If the issue of an unbacked or insufficiently-backed currency exceeds the amount needed to pay the tax, and even exceeds the amount in demand as a medium of exchange, the value of that currency will fall (or, there will be inflation).” ~ Gary M. Pecquet & Clifford F. Thies

Renaming Army Posts

“The renaming of an Army post should be a positive, not a negative statement. Renaming some of them should not be about erasing our history, but adding to our history. Heroes from the ranks of the common soldier should be honored.” ~ Clifford F. Thies

Twitter: The Tale of the Tape

“These times of polarization pose real challenges to mass marketers. Companies such as Twitter and Disney offend the sensibilities of the mass market at their own peril. And their recent stock prices suggest they could do better.” ~ Clifford F. Thies

Cold War Music: A Top Ten List

“With the Fall of the Berlin Wall, we were neither red nor dead. Instead, we were alive and free, and poised – with the revolution in development economics of the 1990s – for the greatest advance in history in the global standard of living.” ~ Clifford F. Thies

Black Land Ownership Following Emancipation

“The problem in the South following emancipation wasn’t that blacks were unable to navigate a private property-based, market-oriented economy; but it was segregation, especially of the public schools, and Jim Crow laws in general.” ~ Clifford F. Thies