Daniel Asia

When Race Trumps Merit, A Review

“As a remedy for this alleged racism we create double standards of accomplishment and behavior. But double standards help no one.” ~ Daniel Asia

A Review of Wynton Marsalis’s Moving to Higher Ground

“It is the individual speaking her innermost feelings. In the words of the famous jazz composition by Norman Mapp, ‘jazz ain’t nothing but soul,’ and in our world now, we need that individual voice and soul more than ever.” ~ Daniel Asia


“Most public universities have become ancillary components of the federal government. This explains, in part, the complete takeover and increasing bureaucratization of the modern research university, public or private.” ~ Daniel Asia

Authority And Freedom by Jed Perl: A Review

“In The Theory of Moral Sentiments, Smith placed free markets in the context of other factors that make up a well-functioning society. One of those factors, one that stands on an equal-though-separate footing with economics or politics, is the arts.” ~ Daniel Asia

Whoopi, Maus, and 80 Years of American Jewry

“It is now they, not Jews, who must take to heart the phrase ‘Never Again.’ My Gentile friends should ask themselves: If it comes to it, when the mobs come, will I take in and protect my Jewish friends?” ~ Daniel Asia

Princeton and the Woke Ballet

“It takes Ivy Leaguers from Princeton to somehow place the desire for goodness, truth, and beauty in the realm of ideological wokeness, and not comprehend it as a simple and beautiful ontological truth and necessity available to all.” ~ Daniel Asia

Cultural Appropriation: Try Not To

“Art, music, religion, science, language, food, and more all evolve due to the cultural ebbs and flows of human inspiration. Ultimately, the process is not one of theft, but of admiration and respect, and should be treated as such.” ~ Daniel Asia