David Hart

What is to be Done? The Rise of Hygiene Socialism and the Prospects for Liberty

“When one lines up the groups which are now appearing to come together in a ‘united front’ against individual liberty – environmental, monetary, cultural, and hygiene socialism – with talk of the need for a “global reset” one wonders ‘what is to be done?’. This was the title of an important pamphlet Lenin wrote in 1901 which inspired Rothbard to ask the same question in 1977.” ~ David Hart

Pandemic Policy in One Page

“All the sound reasons why central planning does not and cannot work in the case of the general economy apply equally in this case, along with a few other reasons which are specific to epidemics.” ~ David Hart

Pandemic Policy in One Page

The Urgent Need for Intellectual Change

The rebuilding of a free society after this chaos is over will require a great deal of work in the above four areas: mathematics, moral philosophy, history, and economics. In my darker moments I think that in fact we have gone back to ground zero in all these areas.