Donald J. Boudreaux

Climate and COVID ‘Science’

“The belief that science is a source of complete and godlike knowledge is not merely mistaken, it’s a toxic fuel of authoritarianism when it’s combined with the false understanding of social problems as being a science project to be ‘solved’ by persons in power.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

Then a Miracle Occurs…

“It is inexcusably unscientific for economists (or any one, for that matter) to merely assume that government will perform miracles. But this is exactly what they assume.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

Reflections Sparked by A New Jersey Turnpike Rest Area

“I’m confident that everyone at the New Jersey Turnpike rest area, if pressed to think seriously about this feature of the liberal market order as he or she surveyed fellow rest-area visitors, would heartily applaud.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

Price Ceilings of $0

“Whatever particular objections might be raised to legalization of the likes of prostitution or the selling of transplantable body organs, clarity of thought is enhanced by recognizing that the prohibitions in question are really price ceilings of $0.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

On the Negative Consequences of Price Floors

“As with price ceilings, if more people understood the full economic consequences of price floors, public support for the especially pernicious piece of legislation called ‘the minimum wage’ would plummet.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

Five Negative Consequences of Price Ceilings

“The public often supports price ceilings – support that would surely disappear if the public understood the basic economics of this harmful government intervention.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

Assessing Risks Accurately Requires Accurate Information

“Each of us in our private lives has strong incentives to make these assessments correctly, for if we don’t, we personally suffer. Politicians and bureaucrats, in contrast, not only do not personally suffer if they impose excessive precautions, they are often lauded for doing so.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

Four Amazing Differences

“What causes the great and overwhelmingly successful coordination across the globe of the productive efforts of billions of strangers? And why is this coordination so silent and incessant that we take it for granted? We hardly notice it.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

More On Nancy MacLean’s Egregious ‘Scholarship’

“MacLean continues to tell fantastically false fables about prominent classical-liberal scholars, many of whom are now dead and, hence, unable to defend themselves from being falsely portrayed by MacLean as cartoonish villains.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux