Donald J. Boudreaux

This Old House Testifies to the Marvels of the Market Economy

“It’s impossible to convey in words the amount of specialized knowledge, as well as the amazingness of modern building materials and tools, that are routinely, and entertainingly displayed in each and every episode of This Old House.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

Beware the Allure of Simple ‘Solutions’

“Social engineering appears doable only to those persons who, seeing only a relatively few surface phenomena, are blind to the astonishing complexity that is ever-churning beneath the surface to create those surface phenomena.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

The Value of High Costs

“As the late Nobel-laureate economist James Buchanan explained in his 1969 book, Cost and Choice, cost is the barrier to choice. Cost is the benefit that a chooser believes he or she sacrifices whenever he or she makes a choice.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

Reducing Unemployment Is Not a Free Lunch

“Every attempt by government to ‘stimulate the economy’ intensifies employers’ and workers’ expectations that slowing sales and losses of jobs will be cured by government-engineered increases in aggregate demand.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

Your Argument Implies…

“Because no protectionist can possibly explain how prosperity is increased by arranging for resources to be so wasted, every protectionist argument in the end is an instance of illogical stupidity, pure and simple.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

“Let Us Not Mistake Words for Things”

“During New York state’s 1788 convention to ratify the newly drafted US Constitution, Alexander Hamilton warned ‘let us not mistake words for things.’ This wise warning has wide applicability still today.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

Speaking of Liberal Values

“We liberals must forever be ready, understanding the power of words, to challenge with our own words these assaults on freedom of expression and on open, peaceful discourse and debate.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux