Donald J. Boudreaux


“Compared to the lives of our pre-industrial ancestors – and, in fact, compared even to the lives of our literal grandparents – each of our lives today is simple beyond the imagination of those who lived a few generations or more ago.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

Walter E. Williams, One of a Kind

“A dedicated teacher and tireless defender of classical-liberal values, Walter’s vast body of work will not only continue to inspire those of us already in the liberal camp, but also to challenge those who as yet aren’t.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

A Marvelous, Humanitarian Substance

“Adjustments of money prices are the easiest and most obvious way of causing each other to overlook goods’ and services’ non-monetary aspects that would otherwise reduce the amount of mutually advantageous exchange that occurs.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

The Only ‘Antitrust’ Policy That’s Needed is Freedom of Entry

“Antitrust stymies the competitive process. It does so by substituting the meager knowledge and imaginations of economists, lawyers, courts, bureaucrats, and politicians for the actual, creative head-to-head competition that occurs within markets.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

Smithian and Anti-Smithian Economists

“Smithian economists make their livings by exposing the many economic fallacies embraced by the man-in-the-street and peddled by vote-hungry politicians and click-crazy pundits. These economists will never want for work.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

Trump, Covid, and Despotism

“Observing the expansion over the past two years of the biosecurity state, I detect enormous evil in what the vanguard of progressives incessantly works to do to liberal civilization.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

On Hayek’s “Kinds of Order in Society,” Part I

“In ‘Kinds of Order in Society,’ Hayek identified two categorically different kinds of orders – ‘spontaneous orders’ and ‘organizations’ – that are both common and useful to humans.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

Is Free Trade Elitist?

“Intellectuals almost always feature prominently on any side of any debate over any issue. Free trade is nothing more, or less, than freedom and fairness. The notion that it is an elitist scheme is a grotesque canard.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

Should We Help Workers Who Lose Jobs to Imports?

“Too much of the discussion about job destruction and worker transition rests on the questionable assumption that all actors in markets, including workers, are either myopic or quite unintelligent (or both).” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux