Donald J. Boudreaux

On Track for Calamitous Policy Outcomes

“I fear that humanity’s response to Covid has put us on a terrible track, one destined to deposit us all in a horrific place.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

Letters to the Editor

“Writing such letters is an effective means of making important points sharply, and with a much higher prospect – compared to writing a full Op-ed – of being published in prominent venues such as the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, and The Economist.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

Teaching Introductory Economics

“Economics supplies indispensable mental habits and analytical tools for gaining a better understanding of why and how it is that each of us, every moment of every day, enjoy the fruits of the labors and creativity of literally billions of strangers.”~ Donald J. Boudreaux

Some Classical Liberal Priors

“A mark of wisdom is to be aware of one’s priors and to struggle to prevent these both from obstructing one’s own personal quest for a better understanding of reality, and from impeding productive discussion with other persons.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

The Invisible Hand Relies Upon Visible Prices

“Prices are among the visible results of the invisible hand’s successful operation, as well as the single most important source of this success. The market’s invisible hand, in short, alone makes possible – yet equally depends upon – visible market prices.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

Beware of Totalitarian Scare-Mongering

“Perspective matters. Truth matters. Failure to provide either is an easy way to dupe people into accepting from the state an awful offer that they certainly should refuse.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

“Externality” Is No Good Excuse for Mandatory Vaccination

“That the choice to remain unvaccinated against Covid creates some risks for strangers is indisputable. Yet this fact about this choice does not distinguish it from many other choices with similar consequences, nearly all of which choices, again, do not justify government intervention.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

The Graduation Speech That I Would Have Given If Invited

“You’ll be part of a huge peaceful legion of people whose cooperation and peaceful competition within markets and civil society will change the world for the better, a little bit each and every day, and yet in ways that no one today can possibly foresee. Remember, open-endedness and unpredictability are good! Happy graduation!” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux