Donald J. Boudreaux

On Vaccine Passports and the Interpretation of Reality

“Where I see liberal civilization being brutally transformed by a Covidocracy into what David Hart calls a ‘hygiene socialist’ society, other people see civilization being compassionately reset into a safer and more humane arrangement in which, presumably, no one ever again will be killed or even discomforted by pathogens. Where other people see a dream, I see a nightmare.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

Why the Silence in the Face of Covid Tyranny?

“When one weighs whatever is the quantum of tyranny that might realistically be ascribed to Trump against the quanta of tyranny that infest and fuel Covid lockdowns, mask mandates, school closures, and the Covid hysteria still being stirred up by government officials, the tyranny of the Covidocracy is far, far greater than was the tyranny of Trump.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

Markets Are More Knowledgeable Than Intellectuals

“Nothing is easier than for intellectuals to express displeasure with the observed manner in which individuals make trade-offs, and then to assert that this manner of making trade-offs implies a market failure. But assertions are not analyses. When analyzed carefully through the lens of economics, the need for producers to adjust to changes in consumer tastes and opportunities is seen to be, not evidence of markets failing, but of markets successfully taking into account as fully as possible the costs and benefits of alternative uses of scarce resources, including labor.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

The Mischief of “Pecuniary Externalities”

“Perhaps my long discourse on ‘pecuniary externalities’ strikes the reader as ponderous or even pointless. Ponderous it probably is, but pointless it is not. If the above reality were more widely understood, many fewer people would complain about foreigners using their exports as a means of ‘stealing our jobs.'” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

Stop the Cartoonish Excuses for Covid Restrictions

“Pro-lockdown economists faux scientifically chant ‘Reduce externalities!’ Libertarians with a weak commitment to liberty self-righteously claim to be the true upholders of liberty by repeating nonstop ‘We must honor the non-aggression principle!’ But neither these economists nor these libertarians take the time to consider the complex real-world details from which individuals’ rights emerge and in which these rights are rooted and defined.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

Long Past Time to Break Silence on this Tyranny

“My failure to understand isn’t a sufficient warrant for me to criticize those who remain silent. I will respect their choices. Showing such respect is what Leonard Read would have done. It’s what my ever-wise Friend does and will always do. The liberalism destroyed by hygiene socialism need not have added to it the liberalism destroyed by liberals’ own intolerance.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

The Story of Vicky

“Although self-imprisoned, alone and forever, in her apartment with literally not a friend left in the world, Vicky never wavered in knowing that she had her priorities ordered correctly, sensibly, and scientifically.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

Why I Believe that Covid Derangement Syndrome Is Real

“I believe this syndrome to be real and deserving of a name that grabs attention. Such attention-grabbing is warranted, because I further believe that this syndrome poses a dangerous risk to humanity that dwarfs the risk posed by SARS-CoV-2.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

Exploring Deeply the Economics of Price Controls

“Governments are fond of dictating maximum prices and minimum wages. To the economically ignorant, these policies appear humane and worthwhile. But when examined through the lens of economics, these policies are clearly revealed to be harmful to the very persons they are ostensibly meant to help.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

I Can’t Stop Wondering About Covid-19

“Why on all matters Covid do so many otherwise sensible, appropriately skeptical, and numerate people – people who understand the necessity of trade-offs, the reality of unintended consequences, and the dangers of government power – lose their judgment and remain in the ranks of the hysterical masses who treat Covid as the existential threat that it most certainly is not? I can’t stop wondering why.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux