Donald J. Boudreaux

Free Trade in Ten Easy Points

Several superb books, monographs, and papers are available to introduce non-economists to the positive economics of trade and to the normative case for a policy of unilateral free trade. And […]

Your Pessimism Is Ridiculously Inaccurate

The incessant drumbeat of negativity about the U.S. economy and about globalization – and the blinkered focus on problems (real and only apparent) divorced from the larger context of the economy’s successes and of Americans’ stupendous prosperity – gives us a dangerously inaccurate sense of the state of the economy and of ordinary men’s and women’s relationship to it.

Free Trade Straw Men

Few groups of policy pundits boast as many straw men slayers as does that of protectionists. Indeed, protectionists likely hold several world records for the number and variety of straw men whom they mow down and the frequency with which they perform this mowing.

The Bad Economics of Non-economists

It is inexcusable for people such as McCarthy to present themselves to the public as if they know the economics that they criticize with such cocksureness.

New and Improved Economics? Don’t Believe It

The New Yorker’s January 13th, 2020, issue features a full-page ad for Richard Robb’s new book, Willful. At the top of this ad we read in large, two-color print that […]