Donald J. Boudreaux

Currency Devaluation Is No Ticket to National Prosperity

If a government manages to undervalue its currency in terms of foreign currencies, it subsidizes the consumption of foreigners who purchase its country’s exports. And while gains are reaped by those of its citizens who work to supply goods for export, currency undervaluation makes most of that country’s citizens poorer.


Democracy and the Toxic Metastasizing of a Sound Idea

Because the American government is democratically elected, there’s a widespread presumption that the actions of this government are, as a rule, the best ones possible. Yet this presumption is mistaken.


Antitrust’s Sordid History

The goal was to protect existing, politically influential producers from the competition of newer, more efficient firms.


Science Alone Will Not Create Prosperity

Modern knowledge of physics clearly is not a sufficient condition for mass prosperity. If it were, Soviet citizens in the 20th century would have been just as prosperous as American and Canadian citizens.


An Economy Is Neither a Family Nor a Firm; It Is a Catallaxy

Unlike progressives and conservatives, libertarians judge society and government policy by how well individuals are able to fulfill their goals; libertarians do not suppose that individuals who comprise the large collectives that we call “countries” do or should aim at fulfilling the non-existent higher goals of these large collectives.


In Praise of an Ideology of Freedom

Because free markets typically give to producers as well as to consumers strong incentives to use their unique bits of knowledge in ways that promote the general welfare, that both the knowledge problem and the incentive problem exist at all levels of government decision-making means that what is warranted is a strong and general presumption against government intervention – or, worded differently, what is warranted is an ideology of freedom.


Capitalism Is Cleaning the World Every Single Day

The simple innovation of designing and installing doorless entry-exit ways for public restrooms is one small but real way in which innovative capitalism has made our exposure to pollution less than it was just a few decades ago.
