Donald J. Boudreaux

Cleaned by Capitalism and Soiled by Socialism

“There’s no question that the environment in which modern humans live is immeasurably cleaner, safer, and more pleasant than was the filthy and dangerous environment in which all of our pre-industrial ancestors lived.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

The Myth of American Inequality and Stagnation

“The familiar trope of the rich getting richer, the poor getting poorer, and the middle classes treading water is disproved by devastatingly large amounts of empirical evidence.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

Hail to the Chief, President 6PRKr4!

“Assign to each candidate for high office a new, sterile name – something that reads like an abbreviated VIN for an automobile. For example: 6PRKr4. In fact, call it a PIN – ‘Politician Identification Number.'” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

What’s Called “Common Good Capitalism” Would Work Against the Common Good

“Because innovation is destined not only to reveal new ends that must be fitted into — and, hence, disrupt — the ‘common good capitalist’ plan, but also to create new and unanticipated means of pursuing ends, innovation must be suppressed if any ‘common good capitalist’ plan is to be seriously imposed.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

Industrial Policy Does Indeed Fall Victim to the Knowledge Problem

“Prices, asset values, and profits and losses determined in open markets in which people spend and invest their own (and only their own) money are the only sources of information in a modern economy about which resource uses are worthwhile and which resource uses aren’t worthwhile.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

An Open Letter to British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

“We can hope that, should Parliament today agree to a unilateral lowering of Britain’s trade barriers, other governments would today, as other governments did in the mid-19th century, respond by unilaterally lowering theirs.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

Economists’ Meaning of “Consumption”

“Because ‘to produce’ means ‘to increase humans’ opportunities to consume,’ Adam Smith is correct: consumption is indeed the sole end and purpose of all production.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux

Signs of Hope

“The happy reality that entrepreneurship and bourgeois commerce continue to flourish was driven home to me by my rather unremarkable remodeling project. I have reason for optimism.” ~ Donald J. Boudreaux