Doug Bandow

China is Scaring Away Investors

“Xi expects business as well as people to serve the CCP. As authoritarian controls metastasize throughout the economy, everyone suffers.” ~Doug Bandow

The Greatest Threat to World Peace: North Korea’s Kim Jong-un?

“The best way to enhance America’s security is for its defense-dependents to graduate and take care of themselves and their own regions. With the US off the peninsula, Pyongyang wouldn’t much care about affairs in Washington.” ~ Doug Bandow

America’s Allies Should Fear Abandonment

“America’s major allies, in the main, are worthy friends: liberal, democratic societies and valuable economic partners with deep cultural and historical connections to the US. That doesn’t entitle them to a cheap ride on the American people.” ~ Doug Bandow

The Wages of Washington’s Economic War on China Are Not Cheap

“To make up lost revenue, the US industry may become more dependent on government largesse and ultimately less vibrant and dominating. Ultimately, making policy more like China risks turning US industry into something more like China’s.” ~ Doug Bandow