“Dealing with the Ukraine crisis might prove impossible for a president who is incompetent, naïve, and desperate. Buckle up, as the fabled (though probably faux) Chinese curse, ‘May you live in interesting times,’ comes true.” ~ Doug Bandow
He worked as special assistant to President Ronald Reagan and editor of the political magazine Inquiry.
He writes regularly for leading publications such as Fortune magazine, National Interest, the Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Times.
“Dealing with the Ukraine crisis might prove impossible for a president who is incompetent, naïve, and desperate. Buckle up, as the fabled (though probably faux) Chinese curse, ‘May you live in interesting times,’ comes true.” ~ Doug Bandow
“Let us honor the Memorial International and its brave supporters. They helped force the rest of us to remember the evil that never seems to lurk far from men’s and women’s hearts.” ~ Doug Bandow
“The idea that socialism, other than various forms of voluntary communities in which people choose material privation and seek agreed equality, is the answer to anything runs against human experience.” ~ Doug Bandow
“Washington should abandon its policy of holding its national homeland and civilian population hostage for the security of other governments. It is time to shift policy before the US is expected to fight a nuclear war on behalf of someone else.” ~ Doug Bandow
“No matter how terrible this moment might seem to some, almost any moment during the Cold War was worse. At least until December 26, 1991, when the Soviet Union was rudely tossed into history’s great trash can.” ~ Doug Bandow
“Telling other governments what to do rarely succeeds, and has failed utterly when tried by Washington. Other nations have watched what the US did, not said, and realized that America would pay no matter what.” ~ Doug Bandow
“China is a complex challenge, not an unstoppable enemy. Instead of responding with fear, Americans should have confidence in themselves and the free society, however imperfect, which they have created.” ~ Doug Bandow
“Although Democrats are on the offense, Republicans were wildly irresponsible when they last held the majority. Watching the Democrats this year gives new meaning to the joke line, ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help you.’ Remember Sen. Murray.” ~ Doug Bandow
“The PRC will continue to pose a serious challenge to America and the West. However, Xi’s war on liberty will give the U.S. an important and enduring advantage in the contest for the future.” ~ Doug Bandow
“The US always should be prepared to defend itself against any (highly unlikely) threats therein. However, the old imperial age is over. As America denounces spheres of influence abroad, it is more difficult to flaunt the Monroe Doctrine at home.” ~ Doug Bandow