Doug Bandow

Biden Administration: Incompetent, Naïve, or Desperate?

“Dealing with the Ukraine crisis might prove impossible for a president who is incompetent, naïve, and desperate. Buckle up, as the fabled (though probably faux) Chinese curse, ‘May you live in interesting times,’ comes true.” ~ Doug Bandow

As Nuclear Weapons Spread, US Should Close its Nuclear Umbrellas

“Washington should abandon its policy of holding its national homeland and civilian population hostage for the security of other governments. It is time to shift policy before the US is expected to fight a nuclear war on behalf of someone else.” ~ Doug Bandow

Why China Behaves the Way it Does, and What to Do About It

“China is a complex challenge, not an unstoppable enemy. Instead of responding with fear, Americans should have confidence in themselves and the free society, however imperfect, which they have created.” ~ Doug Bandow