Emile Phaneuf

The Future of Bitcoin in Light of a Spot ETF

“While the SEC’s long-overdue approval of a Bitcoin spot ETF deserves a bit of celebration, watch out for what’s next. The state apparatus will increasingly treat Bitcoin as a regulated financial product.” ~Emile Phaneuf III

The Economic Organization of a Military Training Scenario

“Nobody ever planned MRE cheese spread as the preferred medium of exchange between military service members. Cheese spontaneously emerged, again and again, in a process of competition between goods.” ~Emile Phaneuf III

Degrowth Kills People – Yes, Literally

“The primary obstacle to continuous improvement in the human condition is human (political or ideological) interference with the liberty of others.” ~Emile Phaneuf III & Christopher Lingle

Utopia and Parallels of History

“History is full of instructive examples that reveal the conditions that allow for both human flourishing and those that end catastrophically.” ~ Emile Phaneuf III

The Mating of Economic Ideas and Bitcoin

“As Bitcoin is a highly decentralized and antifragile system with no real-world backed assets that can be seized to shut it down, appears to be the only realistic candidate to introduce something that government cannot stop.” ~ Emile Phaneuf III

CBDCs: A Weapon for Debanking the Banked

“Even if you think that a CBDC is a good idea, consider that its power may be turned against you when the political pendulum shifts in your direction and your views or activities are suddenly considered taboo or illegal by those in power.” ~ Emile Phaneuf III

Decentralization and Bitcoin

“Bitcoin itself is a currency that might best be considered existing in a state of anarchy.” ~ Emile Phaneuf

Cypherpunks, Galt’s Gulch, and Bitcoin

“Whatever one’s view on Rand, there is no denying her strong influence on the early Cypherpunks who ‘wrote code’ in a decades-long attempt to realize some cyberspace version of the laissez-faire capitalism that she boldly advocated for in real space.” ~ Emile Phaneuf

Hayek and Bitcoin

“By seemingly enormous coincidence, Satoshi (assuming he was unaware at the time), would have probably been delighted to learn that in Hayek’s same ‘sly roundabout way’ video interview, he held up a copy of The Times newspaper and declared: ‘I read this everyday.’ Great minds think alike.” ~ Emile Phaneuf