Ethan Yang

A Nuanced Approach to China Part 3

“When it comes to protecting our intellectual property and ensuring good business practices, it is important that we are guided by reality and not a fantasized version drummed up by politicians for political gain. Harsh retaliation is neither productive or justifiable but standing idle is not a solution either. Our response to China must be measured, nuanced, and intelligent, as such an approach is the only way we will ever succeed.” ~ Ethan Yang

Lockdowns Have Devastated the Global Poor

“Lockdowns affect the global poor as well as the global elite and it seems that the poorer countries have seen a dangerous decline in living standards which will have lasting consequences that are a public crisis in and of themselves. It should now be abundantly clear that economic hardship is not a minor inconvenience and action must be taken to alleviate existing damage and to prevent the further exacerbation of existing calamity.” ~ Ethan Yang

A Nuanced Approach to China Part 2

“Chinese economic prosperity does directly contribute to its authoritarian goals, but trade wars and isolation have not done anything to remedy the situation. Rather a strategy of economic integration will likely lead to not only mutually beneficial outcomes, but also greater leverage in the future if the need to take action arises.” ~ Ethan Yang

Economic Illiteracy Is No Virtue

“Leading a misguided crusade ‘to reign in the market’ or to smash capitalism for the working class is not only a recipe for failure according to history, it completely fails to understand what economics is all about. Just because you don’t care about economics does not mean that the world suddenly bends to your wishes. As the late economist, Walter Williams used to say: ‘Politicians exploit economic illiteracy.'” ~ Ethan Yang

How to Navigate the Stock Market Madness

“There is nothing wrong with partaking in recent fad investing trends; some of them even seem quite promising. However, just like anything else, being prepared and knowledgeable will ensure your success is long-term and not just the prelude to disaster.” ~ Ethan Yang

Paternalism and Robinhood Revisited

“Robinhood and other self-directed apps like it have fundamentally disrupted the market in a good way. Many entrenched interests, be it private firms or the government, are not comfortable with this change. Hopefully, our leaders have seen firsthand the disruption that such abrupt and restrictive actions have on society.” ~ Ethan Yang

Judge Temporarily Blocks Cuomo’s Indoor Dining Ban in Ongoing Lawsuit

“The judge recognized that the dining restrictions have caused irreparable harm and that halting the restrictions until the trial was over would be appropriate. For that reason and the belief that the petitioners had a strong potential to succeed based on the rational basis test, he granted a preliminary injunction against the dining ban.” ~ Ethan Yang

A Nuanced Approach to China Part One

“Diplomacy, economic engagement, and the reserved use of military force are the core principles that define disciplined interstate relations. Throwing them out in favor of romanticized visions of conflict and glory would be playing checkers while China is playing chess.” ~ Ethan Yang

The Case for Decentralizing Monetary Policy

“Wood’s book was published in the year 2000 and cites history dating back hundreds of years, yet today those lessons are as timely as ever. Policy makers should heed the lessons of history and the principles of sound money to ensure that the future of money is guided by the democratic tendencies of the market rather than the arbitrary hand of the state.” ~ Ethan Yang

New Study Indicates Lockdowns Didn’t Slow the Spread of Covid-19

“Perhaps there is a sort of heroic romanticism about flexing the muscles of the state to stop a fearsome enemy that makes lockdowns so attractive. The only problem with this is that we are dealing with reality, and society is not a playset.” ~ Ethan Yang