Ethan Yang

Closing Restaurants Is Unscientific and Dangerous

“Restaurant closures represent an attack on some of the most sacred cultural institutions in society that will not only further degrade our social fabric, but also generate tremendous economic damage to already devastated communities. In light of the mounting evidence (scientific, economic, and social), restaurant closures will only guarantee to further exacerbate existing calamity while providing little in return.” ~ Ethan Yang

Judge Strikes Down LA County Outdoor Dining Ban

“The recent Los Angeles County ruling may be the most recent sign that judges are becoming increasingly comfortable with applying the law to lockdowns. This is not only because we know more about the virus, but also because we have now seen firsthand the damage these policies have done to society while providing little benefit in return.” ~ Ethan Yang

Lockdowns and the Rule of Law

“The solution is quite simple; end the lockdowns and adopt a strategy that does not encourage tyranny. If that’s too much, then at the very least follow the law and be consistent, especially if you were the one who advocated for it.” ~ Ethan Yang

The Passing of Esteemed Economist Walter Williams

“Today, now more than ever, it is men like Walter Williams who are sorely needed to protect the ideas of freedom and prosperity. His work and efforts have educated countless people from the latest generation of economic thinkers to the average citizen who are now better equipped to understand the world around them. Perhaps it was his intention that through his tireless efforts he will have inspired countless more to pick up where he left off. If that was the case, I think he would be pleased to know he has succeeded.” ~ Ethan Yang

The Censorship of Dr. Briand

“The main problem with all of this goes far beyond Dr. Briand’s research. This is all representative of an unproductive orthodoxy that exists around Covid-19. An orthodoxy that has a set view on how to think and how to respond to the virus.” ~ Ethan Yang

New Study Highlights Alleged Accounting Error Regarding Covid Deaths

“The accounting error has likely led to a number of policy decisions that have drastically crippled our ability to support the general welfare of society, economically, socially, and spiritually. Going forward these findings should give us pause and reconsideration over the threat Covid-19 actually poses and realize how much avoidable damage we have done to ourselves as a result.” ~ Ethan Yang

The Lasting Consequences of Lockdowns

“Alongside the immediate consequences of lockdowns, our leaders should consider the long-term problems as well to ensure we do not pass along a degraded shell of our society to our posterity in exchange for a short-term goal. Years into the future, we should be able to be proud of who we are, not who we used to be.” ~ Ethan Yang

Important Factors Driving Bitcoin’s Drastic Growth in 2020

“The swift growth of Bitcoin signals a number of important financial milestones as well as warning signs. Signals that not only lend some support to the cryptocurrency’s value but also provide important insight into our current state of financial affairs.” ~ Ethan Yang

A Second National Lockdown is Dangerous and Reckless

“To say that now the entire country should enter a 4-6 week shutdown stricter than all that came before is not only tone deaf but reckless. Such a policy will likely have untold consequences that go beyond economic devastation. Suicides, substance abuse, and social turmoil have been exacerbated as a result of lockdowns, and they will only worsen under this new policy.” ~ Ethan Yang

What Drives Progress: The State or the Market?

“The idea of an entrepreneurial state as proposed by Mazzucato is a romantic one. It’s an idea that people can come together and through sheer will can make innovation happen. That some very smart people with fancy degrees and prestigious titles can steer society to an optimal location. The only problem with that is just about everything.” ~ Ethan Yang