Ethan Yang

Reflecting On Communism After 103 Years

“Communism and big government ideologies more generally have made the lethal promise that nature can bend to the will of man. That human nature, the laws of economics, and basic political science are merely suggestions. How dreadfully wrong they were.” ~ Ethan Yang

Ant Group’s IPO and the Rising Tide of Authoritarianism

“Although China may seem like a far-off place, authoritarianism is on the rise here in the United States. The cost of liberty is eternal vigilance, and today there is a growing tide of economic illiberalism that seeks to betray core economic principles. Such an onslaught will not only leave us economically worse off but as we have just seen in China, suppressing economic freedom also requires suppressing personal freedom.” ~ Ethan Yang

2020-2030 Could Be the Decade of Economic Malaise

“If history shows us anything, this experience may very well spark a renaissance for the ideas of limited government and markets. If only we could learn this the easy way rather than the hard way.” ~ Ethan Yang

A Guide for Free Thinkers: They’re Both Wrong

“Tamny’s book is essential not just because it provides insightful commentary on important political issues but because it provides a timeless lesson. This is that a country, a government, and a society cannot sustain itself on a foundation of weak narratives. Independent thought and rigorous conversations are what form the backbone of a vibrant democracy.” ~ Ethan Yang

red pill blue pill

Biden’s “Bipartisan Commission on Judicial Reform”

“Although reforming the Supreme Court is certainly permitted, politicians must be incredibly conscious of the role and purpose of the Court. Short-term political agendas are not worth potentially compromising the integrity of our legal system for all of posterity.” ~ Ethan Yang

The Inconsistent Messaging Behind Lockdowns

“We would all be better off if an honest and principled conversation can take place. If lockdowns are found to be undesirable based on all the various considerations from the science to the economics, then we can move on to more productive conversations. There is no need to flip flop, censor, misconstrue, confuse, or otherwise argue as if this were some political debate where winning is more important than the truth.” ~ Ethan Yang


Stop Bringing Politics Into the Supreme Court

“The confirmation hearings of the last three nominees have been the subject of national scrutiny and excitement. This fundamentally misses the mark on what the Court is supposed to be and suggests an ominous politicization of the Court that could wreck the country.” ~ Ethan Yang

supreme court, flag, united states

A Much Needed Reminder About Life in the Soviet Union: The Strange World of Ivan Ivanov

“The book reminds us why such principles are so important and highlight the drastic extremes humans are capable of. The extent of which we are capable of creating a society characterized by freedom and prosperity or arbitrary domination and despair. In times like these, with freedom under siege from every angle, a book like this is badly needed. If not to remind us of where authoritarianism will take us, to show us how precious our liberty is.” ~ Ethan Yang

Reddit’s Censorship of The Great Barrington Declaration

“Silencing debate and demonizing those who disagree with you have more of a place in the Spanish Inquisition than it does in the halls of science. Public policy is informed not just by experimental theories but real-world observations and input from a variety of perspectives. The Great Barrington Declaration is a piece of history and an intellectual force that seeks to change the world for the better.” ~ Ethan Yang

spanish inquisition

The Constitutional Reckoning of State Lockdown Orders

“There is no doubt that the governors across the country have gone off the constitutional deep end in response to Covid-19, exercising powers that are not only unprecedented but unproven. These cases, notably in Michigan and Wisconsin, all share some important legal themes that may suggest the beginning of a constitutional reckoning for governors across America.” ~ Ethan Yang
