Ethan Yang

The Case for Lockdown Reparations

“Although it is unclear whether existing law guarantees a pathway to lockdown reparations, the principles enshrined in the 5th Amendment as well as basic economics provide an attractive case to implement reparations. Not only would it be the moral thing to do but lockdown reparations may also lead to a productive policy framework that protects individual liberty and enables more informed decision-making.” ~ Ethan Yang

store closing

A Warning from Two Hedge Fund Managers: Rigged to Fail

“At the end of the day, we should all learn from history. We have seen which monetary policies work and which ones fail. We know what a drunk looks like and we know an unsustainable market when we see one. Eventually there are consequences for risky behavior. Relying on proven principles may not be as glorious or exciting but it will guarantee we actually come out in one piece.” ~ Ethan Yang

market bomb

Why Principles Still Matter in a Pandemic

“A healthy and prosperous society is not guaranteed by the size of its wealth, the capabilities of its technology, or the perceived intelligence of its experts. Rather it is upheld by the promulgation of ideas. Ideas rooted in free enterprise, limited government, individual dignity, and the rule of law. America, the most powerful polity in human history, brought itself to its knees by turning on these proven principles in the midst of a pandemic that freer countries handled far better.” ~ Ethan Yang


The Sturgis Bike Rally, Sensationalist Reporting, and Broken Disease Models

“By reevaluating the methodology used to report on the Sturgis rally, Black Lives Matter protests, anti-lockdown protests, Trump rallies, and so on, we can reach some more productive conclusions. There are certain things that are so significant and the tradeoffs favorable enough that they are worth braving a pandemic, such as Woodstock.” ~ Ethan Yang

Litigating Over Lockdowns

“The rights guaranteed in the Constitution are not there merely for decoration and warm feelings, nor can we expect the very entity they serve to limit, the state, to protect them for us. Rather they are upheld by a free, educated, and litigious people who guard their liberty jealously. Such resistance is necessary for an accountable and prudent government.” ~ Ethan Yang

Nancy Pelosi and Her Hair Salon

“Freedom for me, but not for thee seems to be the recurring theme here. Everyday Americans have seen their jobs and their lives stripped at the stroke of a pen. America’s once proud and industrious spirit has been overshadowed by one of fear, insanity, and vitriol. Yet those who are responsible for all of this not only thrive but step on those who try to speak out.” ~ Ethan Yang

nancy pelosi

A Closer Look at the States that Stayed Open

“There is no definitive evidence to suggest that stay at home orders are effective at addressing COVID-19. Furthermore, the United States experiment with the policy has yielded results that are not favorable to Dr. Fauci’s suggestion regarding the nationwide implementation of stay at home orders. ” ~Ethan Yang

Lockdown Orders by State

The Insidious Political Ends of Cancel Culture

“The problem comes when such behavior gets so pervasive that it makes any sort of desirable social fabric impossible. To those people who wish to engage in the heavy politicization, divisiveness, and domination inherent to cancel culture, I say: make sure we actually have a society left.” ~ Ethan Yang

Reform the Supreme Court? Read the Federalist Papers

“Senator Harris and her Progressive allies would do best for the country to attempt to restore respect and understanding of the Supreme Court, not undermine it by turning it into another political game. What’s at stake is a carefully crafted legal system that stands between a free society and tyranny from the few as well as the majority.” ~ Ethan Yang

kamala harris

Experience From Other Countries Show Lockdowns Don’t Work

“For months we have hailed countries like Taiwan and South Korea for their model responses that kept the virus at bay while inflicting relatively minimal restrictions on society. Advocating for draconian lockdown measures while still praising these countries is not only blind to the evidence but also comes from a position of privilege and hypocrisy.” ~ Ethan Yang
