Ethan Yang

The Case For Diplomacy and Engagement Over Brinkmanship

“We must light the way with our example through engagement, trade, and a commitment to walking what we talk. With darkness and chaos on the rise in every corner of the globe, we must feed the flame of liberty and broadcast it across the night, not shut it off.” ~ Ethan Yang

A Conversation On Wall Street and Dangerous Monetary Policy

“On this episode of the Authors Corner, Ethan Yang sits down with former hedge fund manager and founder of Signals Matter, Matt Piepenburg, to discuss his book Rigged to Fail. Matt brings his years of experience in the financial industry and his academic scholarship to offer a nuanced discussion on financial markets and the Federal Reserve.” ~ AIER

US Militarism Abroad is Hypocritical and Counterproductive

“Much like big government activism fails here at home, overconfidence in military intervention has only promised failure abroad. A pivot towards a more humble foreign policy based on cooperation as well as shared leadership, much like it would for domestic policy, will yield a much safer world for freedom and democracy.” ~ Ethan Yang

The False Promise of Sanctions and Isolation

“Our current approach of alienation and intimidation only promises disappointment on both sides. Although there is no guarantee that warming relations would result in the liberal democratic reforms that the US desires for Cuba, anything would be better than the lose-lose policy of economic warfare.” ~ Ethan Yang

Can the Biden Administration Censor the Internet Through Private Companies?

“Statements from the White House suggesting that social media companies should do more to police ‘misinformation’ are concerning. Our government has lost any credibility to not only be trusted with the responsible use of power but also to be a reliable moderator of public health discourse or any conversation for that matter.” ~ Ethan Yang

A Closer Look at Trump’s Lawsuit Against Twitter

“The lawsuit ultimately hinges on whether or not Trump’s team can find sufficient evidence that these social media giants were/are colluding with the state to suppress free speech. If so, that would be an issue that everyone from all political persuasions should be concerned about and hope to defeat.” ~ Ethan Yang

Study Finds Economic Prosperity is Associated With a Cleaner Environment

“A prudent and accountable government that upholds the rule of law is not only a better promoter of economic growth but also a better steward of the environment. Higher living standards and ecological responsibility are not two competing interests but two interrelated byproducts of human progress.” ~ Ethan Yang

It’s About Time We Stopped “Trying Communism”

“We live in an age where ignorance is a choice when it comes to the superiority of a free and open society. The quicker we stop averting our eyes and look at the facts, the quicker we can move towards a world where every individual, regardless of their geographical and political fortune, can live free and prosper.” ~ Ethan Yang

Let’s Not Pretend We Defeated Lockdowns

“Despite the evidence, despite the advocacy, despite the public outcry, the lockdowners had their way with society. Some of them have gotten away with blatant hypocrisy while in positions of authority. The list is so large the Heritage Foundation even has a database to list the notable incidents.” ~ Ethan Yang