Ethan Yang

A Conversation On Fear, Altruism, and Freedom

“On this episode of the Authors Corner, Ethan sits down with AIER’s Design Technologist and Interim Editorial Director, Lou Eastman, to discuss the ideas in his latest article ‘On the Tyranny of Freedom.’ Lou’s article explores the psychological forces that led to the drastic curtailing of our liberty in the age of Covid-19.” ~ AIER

The Dangers and Opportunities of Biden’s New Antitrust Order

“Biden’s executive order is filled with aggressive and romantic language that seems to harken back to the tired old age of early 20th-century trust busting that reeks of disdain for large corporations just for the sake of being large. At the same time, the order does pay some respect to the idea that economic freedom is a necessary component for encouraging competition.” ~ Ethan Yang

Cracks In the Great Wall Part 3 – China’s Charm Has Expired

“It would be safe to say that the world’s honeymoon phase with China is over and the pathway forward will see far more resistance to their ambitions. It seems like the CCP has overplayed its hand and it wouldn’t be absurd to think they know that as well.” ~ Ethan Yang

A Conversation on Flaws in China’s Political Economy

“On this episode of the Authors Corner, Ethan interviews AIER Senior Fellow Dr. Ryan Yonk on the development of China’s political economy, which blends authoritarianism with limited markets and civil liberties. They explore the initial history of the People’s Republic of China, the Chinese Communist Party, and their modern ‘Socialist state-with Chinese characteristics’ under Xi Jinping.” ~ AIER

Cracks in the Great Wall Part 2 – China’s Economic Paradox

“E.C. Harwood, the founder of AIER, noted that the USSR under its authoritarian model would never be able to economically outcompete America and the West unless we lost faith in our free market system and moved to copy the Russians. The same holds true for China today.” ~ Ethan Yang

Cracks in the Great Wall-Part One: The CCP at 100 Years

“China’s authoritarian policies have consequences and it seems like the chickens are starting to come home to roost. This should be another reason to double down on our confidence in the superiority of a free and open society, an objective that we can safely pursue to our own benefit, whereas the Chinese cannot.” ~ Ethan Yang

Crimes Against Prosperity

“It is undeniable what policies lead to economic growth and what keeps people down. Leaders who believe otherwise will continue to blame everything but themselves for not only their failures, but their direct role in keeping their citizens impoverished and miserable. When people are free, they prosper, and when they are not, they suffer. It’s as simple as that.” ~ Ethan Yang

A Conversation on Occupational Licensing

“On this episode of the Authors Corner, Ethan interviews AIER Visiting Research Fellow and Economics PhD candidate at Middle Tennessee State University Protik Nandy to discuss occupational licensing. Occupational licensing continues to intrude into more areas of American economic life, creating little benefit for public safety while harming both workers and consumers.” ~ Ethan Yang

A Declaration for Anti-Lockdown Reforms

“If we do not do something to prevent the gross abuses of power that have transpired over the past year and a half, the Fourth of July will cease to have any real meaning in this country and to all those abroad who look to us for inspiration.” ~ Ethan Yang