Ethan Yang

A Conversation With the Great Richard Epstein

“On this episode of the AIER Authors Corner, Ethan Yang interviews Richard Epstein, who is quite simply, one of the most influential legal scholars in the world. Epstein is the Peter and Kirsten Bedford Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, the Laurence A. Tisch Professor of Law at New York University Law School, and a senior lecturer at the University of Chicago.” ~ AIER

Supreme Court Grants Rare Win For Economic Freedom

“The Court’s decision marks a step in the right direction towards a judicial regime that enforces the Constitution and does not view it as simply a welcome mat for the ambitions of state actors. Although it is only one decision, it should send a clear signal that in this country, under this constitution, the inalienable rights of individuals shall be protected from the mob as well as the Leviathan.” ~ Ethan Yang

India Could Be Our Most Important Geo-Political Partner

“It is becoming increasingly more difficult as well as imprudent to be the world’s policeman, which has placed a significant strain on American taxpayers as well as the health of America’s limited government. If both countries can play their cards right, US-India cooperation could become an unstoppable force, accomplishing everything from containing China to fostering a free and prosperous Indo-Pacific region.” ~ Ethan Yang

A Conversation on Financial Exclusion and Inclusion

“On this episode of the Authors Corner, Ethan Yang interviews AIER Senior Fellow Robert Wright on his book Financial Exclusion: How Competition can Fix a Broken System. During the interview, Robert discusses major themes in his book, which touch on the importance of the financial system and the damage exclusion has brought on marginalized communities.” ~ AIER

How the Market Drives Down Costs

“The market forces of competition and price sensitivity, combined with increasing productivity that leads to higher wages, allow living standards to rise. However, government policies and perverse incentives can shield service providers from market forces, undermining competition and eroding U.S. standards of living.” ~ Ethan Yang

When I Wanted to Work in a Food Truck Instead of the Senate

“Sometimes government might be preferable to the private sector, such as protecting our universal rights. However, for the vast majority of other concerns, we would be far better off looking to ourselves for answers than running towards the arms of the state.” ~ Ethan Yang

China’s Abuse of the Language of Liberty

“China’s appropriation of the vocabulary of liberal democracy shows its latest attempt to defend its authoritarian practices as well as its concession that ideas such as human rights are universally popular. They will always play the victim of Western bias, but at the end of the day, you either believe in individual rights, or you don’t.” ~ Ethan Yang

A Conversation on the Decline of American Civil Society

“Robert Wright, Senior research fellow at AIER, joins the Authors Corner with an introduction to an upcoming publication, Liberty Lost. Robert outlines how voluntary association died in antebellum America and what lessons there are to be learned from hyper-regulated economies in the modern era.” ~ AIER

Which Antitrust Doctrine Deserves Your Trust?

“Proper reforms should leverage more market functions, not less. In contrast, the neo-Brandeisian model will reintroduce a crippling regime of arbitrary and further unchecked state power that will surely sap the vibrancy from the American economy at a time when it is needed most.” ~ Ethan Yang

A Conversation On Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery

“Dr. Darcy W.E. Allen, a vocal proponent of innovative digital technologies and the economics of blockchain, joins Ethan Yang for another rigorous discussion about his new book ‘Unfreeze: How to Create a High Growth Economy After the Pandemic and more.'” ~ AIER