Ethan Yang

Has the Government Forgotten How Society Works?

“The premise for the modern administrative state is the dubious notion that the federal government can scientifically plan the lives of hundreds of millions of people. The practical outcome is a regime of sheer incompetence and counterproductive policymaking that is fundamentally at odds with the normal functioning of society. It is a system meant not for a nation of pioneers and entrepreneurs, but hall monitors and clerks.” ~ Ethan Yang

Saving America From the Counterrevolution

“Defenders of the great revolution of enlightenment values and modernity have our work cut out for us. Harwood’s book is just as relevant today as it was in 1951 and at less than 100 pages, it is a manifesto for those who are up to the task of standing watch over the well-being of our society.” ~ Ethan Yang

A Conversation About Human Progress and Innovation

“On this episode of the Authors Corner, Ethan Yang speaks with Marian Tupy, a Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute and the editor of The topics discussed touch on issues such as the rapidly improving living standards across the world, the causal factors of prosperity, the pace of innovation, and why the common narrative often distorts perceptions of human progress for the worse.” ~ AIER

The Ancient Desire for Freedom

“From the ancient Epic of Gilgamesh to the cutting-edge work of today’s scholars, liberty has shown itself to always be unfinished business. Every generation has stories of struggle and wisdom to share on the maintenance of a free and open society, humanity’s greatest innovation.” ~ Ethan Yang

The Public Interest and the Constitutional Order

“The public interest and other phrases like it have far too much importance in the functions of our government. In theory, the public interest and other vague objectives like it have no discrete meaning. In practice, they simply represent the ambitions and goals of those in power.” ~ Ethan Yang

Remembering the Tiananmen Square Massacre

“We should be inspired by the countless activists across China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the world who risk persecution every day to shine a light on the lies of the CCP. We should not only pray but work to ensure that this fateful day was not a violent snuffing of the flame of Chinese liberty, but rather the spark that would ignite the inferno of freedom that burns in the hearts of over a billion people.” ~ Ethan Yang

Critical Race Theory Comes for the Legal Academy

“The slow degradation of the American legal academy in this fashion should be especially concerning. That is not only because law students and faculty should already know full well the values of open debate and individual dignity, but because they are quite literally the vanguard of our legal order.” ~ Ethan Yang

Fun Ways to Annoy China and Support Taiwan

“China is deeply concerned with its global image and is also highly sensitive to having its narrative broken. The best ways to annoy China are ultimately to shine sunlight on its lies and to restore our confidence in ourselves as a civilization that treasures individual liberty rather than kicking ourselves down the road of self-pity and regret.” ~ Ethan Yang

A Conversation on Scientific Censorship in Canada

“Dr. Patrick Phillips, an outspoken physician based in Ontario, Canada joins the Authors Corner to discuss the unprecedented damage extended lockdowns from regional authorities have had on academic truth, mental health and the credibility of medical institutionalism.” ~ AIER

Taiwan is a Great Country

“Taiwan is a country full of rich culture and a model of freedom not just in Asia but the world. If the CCP is looking for a country to question the legitimacy of, perhaps it should stop looking at Taiwan and look in a mirror.” ~ Ethan Yang