Ethan Yang

A Discussion on Critical Race Theory in a Free Society

“In this episode of AIER Authors corner, Ethan interviews Phillip W. Magness on his time spent in academia and the flourishing of far-left ideology such as critical race theory and intersectionality in scientific circles.” ~ AIER

Lockdowns Need to Be Intellectually Discredited Once and For All

“Unilaterally and arbitrarily shutting down all of economic and social life was never part of the solution, nor should it ever be. Covid-19 has been the first test for these experimental lockdown policies and no rational observer should look back at the results and conclude that this is all worth trying again.” ~ Ethan Yang

Addressing Financial Exclusion: The Right Way and the Wrong Way

“Marginalized groups of people are more than capable of succeeding when you just get out of the way. Policymakers today must understand the devastating consequences of well-intentioned policies and the hard fact that an imperfect private sector response is far preferable to a counterproductive government response.” ~ Ethan Yang

Running Out of Patience for the CDC

“Ultimately, the point of life is not about avoiding diseases and meeting arbitrary standards of health. Society has its necessary functions and its priorities that exist regardless of the recommendation of public health experts. It’s about time the CDC understood that.” ~ Ethan Yang

The Moralization of Covid-19

“Ethan Yang interviews Dr. Maja Graso, a senior lecturer at the University of Otago. Dr. Graso was the lead researcher on a study published in the Journal of Experimental Social Physiology titled, “Moralization of Covid-19 health response: Asymmetry in tolerance for human costs” outlining how people’s perceptions of Covid-19 could alter their ability to make an objective cost-benefit analysis.” ~ AIER

A Conversation on the Importance of Entrepreneurship

“AIER Authors Corner, Ethan Yang interviews Dr. Eammon Butler, joining us from Cambridge, UK. Dr. Butler co-founded the Adam Smith Institute, which was credited with advising the Thatcher government in its radical market-oriented reforms of British society.” ~ AIER

Canadian Doctors Are Being Censored

“This move is fundamentally opposed to the values of liberal democracy which have now been jeopardized on a global scale. With the lights of an enlightened and modern civilization going out across the world, it would be fair to ask, will they ever be turned back on in our lifetime?” ~ Ethan Yang

Focused Protection Would Have Been the Right Pandemic Response

“As the United States nears the hopeful end of its public health crisis, the mounting evidence domestically and abroad seems to suggest that harsh lockdown policies were not only overkill, they were counterproductive. In light of this information, it is increasingly apparent that a strategy of focused protection which respects the voluntary functions of society while taking reasonable steps to accommodate vulnerable populations would have been the most optimal pandemic response.” ~ Ethan Yang

The Dubious Premise for Expanding the Regulatory State

“Arbitrary political interests are meant to be enacted by the legislative process where they can be debated, vetted and their architects ultimately held accountable. Looking to the regulatory state, which can essentially act as judge, jury, and executioner, to pass one’s political mandate not only exhibits a disdain for the lives of individual citizens but is also tyrannical in nature.” ~ Ethan Yang

Competing With China Shouldn’t Entail Becoming More Like China

“When we talk about competing with China to win the 21st century we first need to be very clear on what that means. President Biden’s rhetoric seems to suggest he just wants to use the geopolitical tensions between the US and China as an excuse to pass his list of big government policies. The massive expansion of state power into the American economy is not a novel innovation in response to China but a failed and tired dream held by Progressives since the early 20th century.” ~ Ethan Yang