Ethan Yang

Why Have the Courts Been Deferential to Lockdowns?

“Anti-lockdown proponents and advocates of traditional public health policy as it was practiced a little bit over a year ago must compete in the realm of popular opinion. In order to reclaim and preserve our freedom, there must be victories not only in politics and the courts but also in the arena of public discourse.” ~ Ethan Yang

The Time Has Come for Anti-Lockdown Amendments

“Covid-19 exposed what governors could do in the absence of strong reforms. Without swift and deliberate action there will be another episode of drunken power grabs under the guise of a different threat in the not-too-distant future. The time is now for universal sobriety on this matter and for freedom-loving citizens across the country to rise up and say: never again.” ~ Ethan Yang

China Attempts to Silence Western Companies On Xinjiang

“The attacks against Western fashion brands this week are a deliberate and orchestrated effort by the Chinese Communist Party to protect their human rights abuses in Xinjiang in response to recent Western sanctions for slavery in the region. They understand full well that this attack is a brilliant leveraging of the West’s greatest strength, a free and market-based society, against itself by forcing companies to choose between profit and survival over the rights of people they may never be able to save.” ~ Ethan Yang

Entrepreneurship: A Fading Virtue

“It is entrepreneurs who form the foundation and operational unit of Austrian economics but sadly, their importance is slowly fading from mainstream economic analysis. Such a view of economics not only fails to acknowledge a basic tenet of the economy, but opens the door to a perception of society that merely views individuals as numbers and equations to be manipulated at will.” ~ Ethan Yang

The 6-Foot Mandate Was Bad Science

“The CDC along with overprotective public health experts have always had a long list of absurd and unrealistic recommendations for society. In the age of Covid-19, we finally gave them the keys to control and now we have seen firsthand the dystopia they would create. It is important that we establish this fact and learn this lesson, because those who intend to write history may see things differently.” ~ Ethan Yang

The 2020 Recession: Blame Lockdowns, Not the Virus

“Lockdowns have caused an unprecedented level of economic damage that has far exceeded any event in modern history be it another pandemic or a financial crisis. That is because unlike any other challenge in history, governments across the world forcefully stopped society from reacting and recovering. It should be uncontroversial and frankly, intellectually honest, to say that it was lockdowns that caused the misery that we were forced to endure, not Covid-19.” ~ Ethan Yang & Jack Nicastro

School Closure Advocates and Their Own Actions

“It is impossible to look past the blatant hypocrisy and disregard for society Fiegl-Ding’s advocacy for school closure now represents in light of these findings. We have gotten to know this sort of hypocrisy all too well throughout this pandemic which illustrates the principle that we all share the burden of lockdowns equally, but some more equal than others” ~ Ethan Yang

Debts, Deficits, and the Entitlement Crisis

“The US government’s debt is soaring like never before and promises to only bring economic stagnation if not outright disaster. Looking past Covid-19, we should strive to implement bold reforms to our costly but important entitlement programs to truly deliver on fiscal stability. These reforms may not be popular or easy but there is no doubt that they will be necessary.” ~ Ethan Yang

The Dangerous Path of Trump-Biden Trade Isolationism

“It would be wise for our leaders, particularly those in the Biden administration, to heed the clear lessons put forth in our Constitutional system as well as the tides of history. An embrace of free trade will promote widespread prosperity but most importantly, it will prevent a backslide into a past sequence of events that we should be glad to have behind us.” ~ Ethan Yang & Jack Nicastro

Bitcoin Continues Steady Mainstream Adoption

“At the moment, the idea of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology is still emerging technology but at one point they were considered fringe. Their increasing adoption not only lends support for the ongoing rise of Bitcoin’s value but demonstrates an interesting inflection point for financial affairs.” ~ Ethan Yang