Garion Frankel

Trade-offs: The Ugly Truths of School Finance 

“Perhaps expanding school choice could encourage districts to set their house in order. Maybe a renewed focus on financial accountability could help stem the tide of nonsense.” ~Garion Frankel

Professors Are Not “Priests of Democracy”

“If we ascribe qualities like academic freedom, free speech, opposition to censorship, and skepticism of government to American democracy, as Walker does, then we should avoid putting academia on a pedestal it does not deserve.” ~ Garion Frankel

You Should Care About Martin Van Buren

“Martin Van Buren may not be everyone’s favorite President, but he is worth studying. After all, an estimated 28 percent of Americans identify with the Democratic Party. People should at least know how their political party came to be and why it endured.” ~ Garion Frankel

Public Schools Are Using Inflation To Extort Taxpayers

“While there isn’t much that can be done in the short term to mitigate public school excess, taxpayers should at least be aware that public schools are using inflation as an excuse to extort them.” ~ Garion Frankel

What Are Philosophers of Education Even Talking About?

“Let’s make something clear: A third grade teacher who is struggling to teach more than twenty children, many of whom likely have behavioral problems, how to do math couldn’t care less about posthuman eating.” ~ Garion Frankel

The Other Great Debate

“Nowadays it is difficult to pick a ‘side’ between Paine and Adams. Whichever man one’s political persuasions may favor, the country is undoubtedly a heterodox agglomeration of their ideas.” ~ Garion Frankel

Bad History Leads to Bad Politics

“Any progress will be slow, but our politics arguably depend on it. The American experiment will not survive if Americans don’t understand why it happened and what makes it so unique.” ~ Garion Frankel

A Master of Education or a Master of Faux Social Justice?

“While an M.Ed. may look a lot more like an M.SJW. right now, the status quo does not have to be destiny. Education departments are not offering serious classes, but grassroots efforts can help fill the void.” ~ Garion Frankel