Gary Galles

Booker T. Washington Would Have Spotted This False Flag

“Booker T. Washington would surely have seen through the false flag effort to demonize the Virginia Governor candidate offering the best hope for blacks, as a racist. Virginia voters, as well as the rest of us, would benefit by being as observant on that score as Washington was.” ~ Gary M. Galles


“When we extort treats with threats the same month that the federal fiscal year begins, and just before major elections in every even-numbered year, it reminds us of how commonly trick-or-treating describes politics as we are forced to bear it.” ~ Gary M. Galles

Threatened Shutdowns Show Government is the Problem

“The problems expressed in political shutdown posturing, and battles arising from government failure to perform duties it has arrogated to itself, provide no endorsement for placing even more power over us into government hands.” ~ Gary M. Galles

Beware of the Progressive Redefinition of Moderates

“Frederic Bastiat wrote his electoral manifesto at a time when politically popular ‘moderates’ enabled expanding government coercion, while ‘extremists’ defended liberty. Unfortunately, little seems different today.” ~ Gary M. Galles

SALT Deductibility, Hypocrisy and Good Government

“SALT deductibility suffers from several policy disabilities. If state and local governments benefit their citizens, they offer them more valuable services than costs, so no deductibility is warranted.” ~ Gary M. Galles

Remember the Greatest Social Thinker of the Twentieth Century

“There is good reason to pursue Ludwig von Mises’ wisdom further, because for those who seek a society that offers the greatest potential for individual flourishing and social cooperation—i.e., true civilization–he is a sound guide.” ~ Gary M. Galles

Hating Landlords Misplaces the Blame

“In greedy-bastard economics, rather than tracing their understanding of something they dislike back to its ultimate source, people only trace it back until they get to someone they can demonize as a greedy bastard.” ~ Gary M. Galles

The SNAP Boost Will Make the Poor Appear Poorer

“Dramatic mis-measures of income provide convenient cover for a never-ending story supporting expanded redistribution because so many policies that provide resources for the poor actually make them appear poorer in official data.” ~ Gary Galles

American Democrats—Then and Now

“The Biden Administration extended the CDC eviction moratorium despite admitting it was ‘unable to find legal authority for a new, targeted eviction moratorium,’ after extensive efforts to do so.” ~ Gary M. Galles

Should Anything be Prohibited in a Free Society?

“Leonard Read laid out the massive chasm between the few prohibitions—of what we all agree is wrong—necessary to liberty and the panoply of prohibitions already part and parcel of imposed collectivism over a half-century ago. But their exponential expansion under the banner of Covid has multiplied that gap, making the issue even more important.” ~ Gary M. Galles