Gary Galles

You Are Not Paying a Higher Relevant Tax Rate Than Billionaires

“Allegations that higher income earners don’t pay their ‘fair share’ of taxes are a mainstay misrepresentation of the political left. When the facts say otherwise, they simply twist the facts and ignore more serious studies. ProPublica’s latest effort is just one more of a long line of such analytical abuses, whose details have varied over time in search of what can be most effectively used to mislead citizens.” ~ Gary M. Galles

With Capitalism, Cooperation Is Just as Important as Competition

“Unlike the common condemnation of markets as the antithesis of cooperation, Leonard Read recognized, with Ludwig von Mises, that competitive markets comprise ‘a system of mutual cooperation,’ where ‘the function of competition is to assign to every member of the social system that position in which he can best serve the whole of society and all of its members.'” ~ Gary M. Galles

Gouged by Gouging Laws

“If, however, people realized that such laws actually harm them as consumers—that gouging laws gouge consumers–once all the costs they must bear are considered, perhaps we could put an end to this counter-productive way politicians illustrate Ronald Reagan’s quip that ‘the nine most terrifying words in the English language’ are ‘I’m from the Government, and I’m here to help.'” ~ Gary M. Galles

Capitalization and Corporate Tax Cuts for the Rich

“When you recognize corporate tax hikers’ massive measurement distortion on top of their trifecta of false premises, it makes it hard to take tax hike promoters’ claims as anything more than intentional misrepresentations that, if heeded, would harm those whose votes they are using it to pander for.” ~ Gary M. Galles

Questioning Baseball’s Antitrust Curveball

“Americans would be far better off if, instead of further eroding Justice Holmes’ ruling, we upheld his ‘originalist’ Commerce Clause logic, and the limit it imposed on federal power to do what it wants, whether it advances our joint interests or not. After all, as recent events have made blindingly obvious, it is not hard to see that much of what is emanating from the beltway fits in the ‘or not’ category.” ~ Gary M. Galles

Awash in Warped Words

“The malleability of language has allowed new iterations of statism to masquerade as means to the good society, because linguistic misdirection has made foolish thoughts about social organization more viable. At the same time, it has made it harder to communicate the benefits that are only achievable through liberty.” ~ Gary M. Galles

Better Fetters

“Unlike the fetters that are imposed on us by government, those inherent in the voluntary arrangements of capitalism are bulwarks against the aggression of others, whose primary practitioner is government. In other words, effectively defined and enforced property rights create a capitalism that is more effectively fettered and far more productive for all of us than government-imposed fetters that restrict and violate them.” ~ Gary M. Galles