Gary Galles

Why Even Insiders Underestimate Markets’ Power

“There tend to be more and better substitution possibilities known to both buyers and sellers than we recognize from the outside of those exchange relationships.” ~Gary M. Galles

Correlation Is Not Enough

“The ‘look here, too’ method provides a valuable check on statistical interpretations adopted because they advance someone’s agenda, rather than accuracy.” ~Gary Galles

Two Birds of a Fiscal Feather

“Both property tax increases and rent control continue to be controversial, after decades, in that they both represent forms of grand theft against housing owners and rental housing providers.” ~Gary M. Galles

E Unum Pluribus?

“A divisive diversity of special rights and special treatment for those favored by government must necessarily come at the expense of equal rights for all.” ~Gary M. Galles

Not a Very Virtuous Virtue Signal

“Calling the extraction of resources from one group to give to others an investment, rather than wealth redistribution that reduces others claims on their own property, is a massive misrepresentation.” ~Gary M. Galles

A Statue Worth Preserving; A Man Worth Honoring

“William Penn’s 1682 ‘Frame of Government’ for Pennsylvania included elected representatives, a separation of powers, religious freedom, and fair trials, all since incorporated into our Constitution.” ~Gary Galles

Subsidies: Cui Bono?   

“When a tax is imposed, everyone potentially in its crosshairs, from buyers to sellers to workers and other suppliers of inputs to firms, wishes to avoid the burdens. They thus have incentives to dodge them by changing their choices.” ~Gary Galles

Time is on Government’s Side

“Politicians get the credit for creating the program, but bear only a small part of the cost of paying for it, leaving the vast majority of the costs to future generations.” ~Gary M. Galles