Gary Galles

Even More Ways to Cook The Benefit-Cost Analysis Books

“In disciplining our thinking to make better decisions, benefit-cost analysis also teaches those determined to mislead others how to do that better. Knowing how to do it ‘right’ also provides a template for how to be wrong in the desired direction.” ~Gary M. Galles

Revisiting the Argument that Government is Too Small

“A balanced rebuttal to false and misleading claims will tend to be ineffective at reaching voters, which in turn makes deceptive political advertising more successful, over-expanding government.” ~Gary M. Galles

How Can We Stop Serving Students So Poorly?

“Efforts to improve things with charter schools have shown some great results, and vouchers are attractive as a means to make educators more responsible to parents than to administrators. But we are still in the early stages of a very long struggle.” ~Gary M. Galles

Does Everybody Gain?

“Large gains are enabled by protecting individuals’ rights to cooperate with anyone on whatever terms they would find acceptable, combined with others’ rights to say no to whatever offers they find unacceptable.” ~Gary M. Galles

Is There a Problem? vs. Is this Competitive? 

“Amazon’s offering lower prices compared to online rivals undercuts the FTC’s assertion that it is a proof of its monopolistic abuse, yet it is completely consistent with Amazon’s pro-consumer explanation.” ~Gary M. Galles

Junk Insurance 

“Obamacare offerings are often inferior to those available in the short-term market, even with huge taxpayer subsidies and transfers from the real suckers who are forced to overpay for their care.” ~Gary M. Galles

Bookstore Protectionism

“Both past and present suits claimed that the problem was dominant sellers unfairly harming independents, which thereby undermined competition. But in that, they misrepresented both what competition means and who was harming less-successful competitors.” ~Gary M. Galles

Do I Own What Is Mine? 

“We should rethink the deference we give what may be the shortest, but not the least damaging weasel word in common usage today.” ~Gary M. Galles