Gary Galles

Gut and Amend Goes to Washington

“This is the opposite of what would define ‘public servants’ in any other role than in a farce. It seems like the Democratic leadership at both levels has given up on even pretending otherwise.” ~ Gary M. Galles

What Killed the Red Cars Is Still Killing Transit

“Cars are superior to transit alternatives for the vast majority of individuals and circumstances. Policies which will punish the majority for whom driving remains far superior cannot effectively serve all residents’ interests.” ~ Gary M. Galles

Liberties Are Only Kept Safe by the Limitation of Government Power

“Richard Henry Lee’s generation had learned of the need to keep government within narrow limits, as there are very few areas in which it can advance our general welfare, as opposed to some Americans’ welfare at other Americans’ expense.” ~ Gary M. Galles

Even Bastiat’s Correspondence Shows His Love of Liberty

“Frederic Bastiat advocated a government that, by focusing narrowly on ensuring that individuals ‘did not encroach on the freedom of others,’ guarantees citizens the ability to ‘fully and completely enjoy the free exercise of his or her physical, mental, and moral faculties.'” ~ Gary M. Galles

Resolving to Reduce Policy Failures

“Each of these issues–underselling self-government while overselling the state, lax language, numbers you can’t count on, combined with erroneous logic–put public policy on a path toward failure.” ~ Gary M. Galles

Packing Away the Constitution

“Principled interpreters of the Constitution do not advocate overturning valid Constitutional precedents, but precedents that deviated from it, as the only way to maintain it as the ‘highest law of the land’ in fact, as well as on paper.” ~ Gary M. Galles

Nirvana and the Theory of the Firm

“Over and over, people, including many economists, have misunderstood issues such as these when evaluating real world firms through the combination of simplifying assumptions that make real issues disappear and a failure to apply the self-interest test.” ~ Gary M. Galles

“Free” Sugar Protectionism Is Not As Sweet As It Sounds

“It is past time for Americans to think carefully enough to see through the sugar lobby’s flimsy smokescreens, and demand an end to this inefficient, inequitable and regressive program that raises food prices across a wide spectrum.” ~ Gary M. Galles

Doubling Down on Foolishness

“Plans to continue down that path at a far more rapid rate, as the Biden administration proposes, are doubling down on foolishness, yet may well occur unless Americans recognize them for what they are.” ~ Gary M. Galles