James Harrigan

Poverty’s End?

“Poverty in the United States is not extreme poverty, not by a long shot. And extreme poverty in the rest of the world is vanishing, bit by bit, day by day. And for that, we have economic freedom to thank.” ~ Antony Davies & James R. Harrigan

Beware the Incentives of “Forgiving” Student Loan Debt

“The stark reality is that ‘forgiving student debt’ really means forcing people who didn’t go to college to pay for those who did, and forcing people who scrimped and saved for college to pay for those who didn’t. ” ~ Antony Davies & James R. Harrigan

A Constitutionalist Shift

“Over the past century and a half, the federal government has quietly morphed from a government based on a constitution to a government based on a constitutional tradition.” ~ James R. Harrigan & Antony Davies

Three Unintended Consequences of Student Loan ‘Forgiveness’

“The big losers are future students, who will see tuition spike yet again, working-class Americans who suddenly find themselves stuck paying for other people to go to college, and taxpayers in general who will be—as always—left holding the bag.” ~ Antony Davies & James R. Harrigan

Of Patriots and Freedom

“What is a better thing to celebrate than the liberty all Americans know to be their birthright? This is not a partisan victory, nor is it one of one time or another. It’s a universal victory, because the cause of freedom is the cause of everyone.” ~ James R. Harrigan

Duck, Cover, and Mask Up.

“If you happen to be among the lucky few not vaporized in a nuclear strike launched by unknown perpetrators, you should immediately reestablish your fear of Covid-19, the virus of unknown origin. In the words of David Byrne, ‘Same as it ever was.'” ~ James R. Harrigan

The State of the Union is…

“It would be far better that we insist on following Thomas Jefferson’s lead. While his predecessors, Washington and Adams, delivered their State of the Union addresses in person every year, Jefferson just sent letters to Congress.” ~ James R. Harrigan

What is Critical Race Theory?

“AIER’s Research Director Phil Magness joins James R. Harrigan, AIER’s Senior Editor, and Antony Davies, Professor of economics at Duquesne University to discuss critical race theory.” ~ AIER

The War on Christmas?

“Asking the state to celebrate the holiday is no less hostile to freedom than is asking the state to prohibit its celebration. Christmas is, after all, a celebration. And the last thing anyone should want is the government showing up at the festivities.” ~ James R. Harrigan & Antony Davies


A Davies, JR Harrigan, M Teague. Social Philosophy and Policy 31 (2), 180-203